Woman's World

Breakfast off middle-aged weight gain!

Can breakfast help you shed pounds, even after menopause—and keep them off ? Yes! And these foods are especially effective!

- — C.P. Pagan

1 Curb cravings with oatmeal!

Eat oatmeal daily, and you’ll lose weight faster and feel less hungry even during the top cravings-heightened times of life: perimenopa­use and menopause! A new Journal of the American College of Nutrition study shows oatmeal keeps you satisfied by releasing a slow stream of energizing glucose into your bloodstrea­m.

2 Torch calories with wholegrain toast!

U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmen­tal Medicine pros say whole- grain eaters burn about 100 extra calories a day—without trying! It takes more energy to digest whole grains, which naturally speeds your metabolism! Bonus: Eating whole grains is linked to a longer lifespan, research shows.

3 Double weight loss with eggs!

Overweight women who ate an egg- centered breakfast lost twice as much weight as those who ate a bagelbased meal with the same calories! “Protein takes longer for your body to digest, so having high-protein eggs in the morning can curb hunger for hours,” says dietitian Lyssa Weiss, R.D.

4 Flatten your belly with yogurt!

In a recent study, women who ate a low-calorie diet with six ounces of low-fat yogurt lost four more pounds—and 81% more belly fat—than a group who skipped the yogurt! Yogurt’s calcium seems to encourage fat burning.

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