Woman's World

4Dodge a salt binge with more salt!


Find yourself overdoing salty snacks like pretzels and chips? Avoid low-sodium versions of those and other foods—or add some table salt to your everyday meals—and your salt cravings will disappear! ✤ It works! Gorging on salty foods indicates you’re taking in too little salt overall! What’s more, consuming less than 1.5 g. of sodium a day (about 1/4 tsp.) raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. Your body needs salt to help balance the fluids and hormones that keep it in tiptop shape! And eat beef! Crave highly salted foods? A shortfall in zinc lowers your taste buds’ sensitivit­y to salt, prompting you to crave more! Try eating more zinc-rich foods, such as beef. Wonder why you reach for soda, pretzels, doughnuts and other junk foods even when you’re trying to eat healthy? Scientists say hard-to-control cravings may actually be symptoms of an easily fixed health problem!

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