Woman's World

2017 grapefruit detox diet!

Lose 9 lbs in 7 days!


The old-fashioned grapefruit diet has gotten a modern-day makeover—one that gives it amazing power to fight fat!

The grapefruit diet—it’s been in, it’s been out, it’s been in, it’s been out. But today it’s back in,” Dr. Oz recently declared. “Grapefruit’s back for weight loss and better than ever!” A lot of credit goes to natural health expert and The Dr. Oz Show regular Kellyann Petrucci, N.D., whose new-and-improved grapefruit diet turbocharg­es fat-fighting compounds in the fruit using modern science and a host of other super-nutrients. So, unlike ’ 80s fad diets that included little more than grapefruit and black coffee, “this is a way of doing it that makes sense and is smart,” Dr. Oz insisted. “And we’ve already seen evidence that it works.” In fact, when Dr. Oz had folks test Dr. Kellyann’s grapefruit-powered menus, they shed up to nine pounds in just seven days. And women who’ve used grapefruit to jumpstart long-term healthy eating report losing up to 30 pounds in 12 weeks. No wonder the approach is winning raves from not only Dr. Oz but also just about every dieter who tries it! How well will it work for you? We’ve gathered everything you need to know to find out . . . Quick-start guide ● What you eat “The golden rule is to eat half a grapefruit at every meal,” Dr. Oz explained. It’s a “dosage” that has proven effective in university research and at Dr. Kellyann’s Pennsylvan­ia clinic. To maximize the benefits of the citrus, Dr. Kellyann has dieters round out meals with unlimited veggies plus healthy servings of metabolism-boosting protein, anti-inflammato­ry grains and hunger-killing natural fats.

● How grapefruit slims

Exciting preliminar­y evidence from Japan shows that a compound called nootkatone—which helps create grapefruit’s aroma —may significan­tly reduce hunger and “can stimulate metabolism and ramp up weight loss,” reveals Dr. Kellyann. Nootkatone is so promising, it has the attention of pharmaceut­ical companies. Yet Dr. Kellyann says whole grapefruit may offer more benefits than a supplement. Credit goes to a host of slimming compounds, including a hefty dose of vitamin C, which is linked to a 20% faster metabolism. Findings also hint that an antioxidan­t in grapefruit called naringenin may act like lighter fluid in the liver, prompting the organ to burn fat faster. And per the journal Nutrition, lycopene— a pigment in pink and red grapefruit —raises levels of a belly-flattening hormone called adiponecti­n. Not convinced? Evidence from the famous Scripps Clinic found that nutrients in grapefruit—including all of its antioxidan­ts plus loads of fiber— dramatical­ly lower levels of the hormone insulin, helping regular grapefruit eaters lose up to 500% more weight than those who skip the fruit!

● What sets the new diet apart

Grapefruit can give any healthy eating plan an edge. But to take it to the next level, Dr. Kellyann’s uses the fruit to anchor meals that also boost its benefits. Protein and antioxidan­t-rich veggies further rev metabolism, for example. Antioxidan­ts and natural fat also help soothe a type of inflammati­on in our bodies that is linked to slow metabolism. And Dr. Kellyann has folks get their starch from “ancient grains”—including quinoa, farro, teff and spelt (all sold near rice in your supermarke­t). “Unlike wheat, corn and most modern grains, ancient grains haven’t been geneticall­y modified, and I find our bodies respond to them far better,” she explains. One big reason is that they also help prevent blood-sugar spikes and inflammati­on, which can drive belly fat storage, cravings and bloating. The impact on bloat is so great, Dr. Oz said that having ancient grains plus grapefruit at dinner is a new strategy that lets “you wake up with a flatter belly!”

● “It worked for us!”

When we asked readers to test Dr. Kellyann’s plan, Rosie Mongold, 44, had been struggling with belly fat for more than 20 years. “I lost two inches from my stomach area in a week,” says the West Virginia assistant teacher. “I love grapefruit!” Amy Munshaw, 37, does, too. When she tried a grapefruit diet years ago, “I didn’t get results, and I remember really craving sugar,” says the Alberta mom. “On this version, my cravings disappeare­d and I was never hungry. Being shorter, my body doesn’t usually let go of excess weight that easily, but I lost nearly a full size. The new grapefruit diet is fast and effective!”

 ??  ?? Photos: Andrew Brusso; Jonathan Gregson/stockfood/media Bakery; Marla Meridith/stockfood/ Media Bakery; Shuttersto­ck; Eli Asenova/getty Images; Riou/getty Images; Mylinda Knittel.
Photos: Andrew Brusso; Jonathan Gregson/stockfood/media Bakery; Marla Meridith/stockfood/ Media Bakery; Shuttersto­ck; Eli Asenova/getty Images; Riou/getty Images; Mylinda Knittel.
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