Woman's World

7-day allergy cure!

- —Brenda Kearns

Fight flareups ✓

with eucalyptus oil

Clearing your nasal passages with a neti pot twice daily— using a saline solution mixed with one drop of eucalyptus essential oil— eases even severe allergy symptoms for 75% of women in one week, research shows. Regular sinus rinsing helps flush away pollen, mold and the like before your immune system can react to them. Eucalyptus oil boosts that benefit by tamping down any inflammati­on those irritants might have triggered. Find easy- to- use neti pot kits at your pharmacy. ■ Tip: Always use distilled water to rinse your nasal passages to avoid irritants like chlorine.

Block histamine ✓ release with Nasalcrom

If your symptoms are still making you miserable, ask your doctor about trying Nasalcrom. This over-the- counter sinus spray contains cromolyn, a compound that coats and soothes the immune cells in your nose, stopping them from reacting to airborne irritants. According to a study in the journal Clinical Therapeuti­cs, just four spritzes daily cuts symptoms in half or more for nine in 10 women. Bonus: Nasalcrom is steroid-free and doesn’t cause drowsiness or rebound congestion.

Calm immune cells ✓

with yogurt

Eating at least 1/2 cup of yogurt daily— the kind containing goodfor-you live bacteria— can cut the severity and length of your allergy flareups 20%, Asian research shows. The yogurt’s healthy bacteria produce proteins that calm your immune cells, making them less likely to react badly when pollen sticks to them, say University of Kansas researcher­s.

Tame inflammati­on ✓

with OJ

Citrus is packed with a powerful nutrient duo— bioflavono­ids and vitamin C—which can cut your allergy symptoms 40% if you consume three cups weekly yearround, say Arizona State scientists. Together, those nutrients rev your production of glutathion­e, an antioxidan­t that tames airway inflammati­on, helping you breathe deeply without symptoms like tickling, coughing or wheezing.

Clear your sinuses ✓

with ginger

Ginger’s active ingredient (6-gingerol) calms immune cells, making them less likely to produce symptom-triggering histamines in response to irritants. No wonder Japanese researcher­s say consuming 1/2 tsp. of this zingy spice daily can cut your congestion, itching and sneezing by as much as half! Tip: Minced or grated fresh ginger root is delicious added to fruit cocktail, smoothies, sprinkled atop ice cream or mixed into ground beef before grilling. Or you can take a ginger supplement, following package directions for dosage.

Soothe symptoms ✓

with quercetin

A daily 1,000-mg. dose of the plant pigment quercetin reduces allergy symptoms as much as 38% in two weeks, reports the journal Molecules. Quercetin soothes your immune system, reining in its release of symptom- triggering prostaglan­dins and histamine when it encounters pollen, says study coauthor Jiri Sochor, PH.D. Important: Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.

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