Woman's World

Mini Mystery

Cora Willoughby was on vacation . . . then she found herself solving a murder!


Cora Willoughby sighed as she relaxed in the deck chair aboard the cruise ship and sipped a tropical drink. As a newspaper reporter, things had been a little hectic lately.

As the midmorning breeze warmed her skin, she knew this was exactly what she needed. Not a care in the world for the next five days.

Suddenly, a steward rushed past her, followed by the captain and a few franticloo­king passengers. Curiosity piqued, Cora set down her drink and followed.

On the second deck, she noticed a stateroom suite whose doors were wide open. Moving closer, Cora peered inside and saw a man’s body sprawled on the floor. He had a deep gash on his head, and there was dried blood surroundin­g it. Upon second glance, she recognized the deceased as celebrity poker player Barry Hendricks, known to most as a jet- setting playboy. The cruise line had booked him to privately teach his poker talents to paying customers.

“Well, there goes his lucky streak,” a man nearby commented dryly. Cora turned toward him. “Did you know Mr. Hendricks?”

The man shrugged. “We met on the ship and hit it off yesterday. We played a few games in his stateroom.” He chuckled. “He wasn’t that great. My ace-high straight beat out his flush.” He patted his front pocket. “Now I’m 200 bucks richer!”

He peered back into the stateroom and shrugged. “Someone must have lost big to him, or he was caught with someone’s girl. He was notorious for that.” He pointed inside. “There’s plenty of DNA in there, including mine and probably at least a dozen others, too.” He chuckled. “Mostly female, I assume.”

Abeautiful platinum blonde came over to them, concern in her eyes. “Matthew, what happened?” “Seems like Barry Hendricks had a fatal run in with someone, Candice.” “Oh no! We had a private poker lesson just yesterday afternoon. I was learning poker for you, baby. I was planning to show you my skills tonight after your birthday dinner!” Matthew’s face went ashen instantly. “You did that for me?” he said, stammering.

“Of course, my darling,” Candice answered sweetly. “It was going to be a surprise.”

“I got a private lesson, too,” whispered another woman beside them. “But it wasn’t in poker!” She peered into the room. “Hey,” she said, “his trophy is missing off the night table. Maybe that was the murder weapon!”

The crowd had grown larger. Cora kept listening to all the comments, both good and bad.

A male passenger said, “Glad the man’s gone! He’s been after my wife since we left port.”

Another man agreed. “He got what he deserved! I caught my girlfriend having drinks with him the night before last.” He frowned. “We are now fi nishing our cruise in different staterooms.”

The comments from the women, though, were the absolute opposite.

“He was so attentive,” one lady remarked.

“And so handsome,” swooned another.

All the women agreed that Barry’s death was an absolute tragedy.

My goodness, Cora thought. Half the ship hated him, the other half adored him. But who hated Barry Hendricks enough to kill him?

“Make room, please,” the ship’s security said as he pushed back the crowd. “I have to call this in to authoritie­s.”

Cora walked over to him. “I think I know who the killer is.”

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Q. What do cows like to play at sleepovers? A. Truth or dairy!
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