Woman's World

$ Ka- Ching! Get paid to scrapbook!



If you’ve created your own scrapbooks, you already know the basic techniques. To take them to the next level, consider a class at Joann’s, Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, advises Yvonne Bronner of Keepsake Creations (Keepsakecr­eations.us). Also smart: Get inspiratio­n at sites like Scrapbooki­ng.craftgossi­p. com and Mypinkstam­per.com, which feature ideas, templates, tutorials and more.


Your main marketing tool? Beautiful photos of the pages you’ve created! Create a dedicated Facebook page for your business that also features your contact info, price list and customer testimonia­ls. Tip: Ask clients if they mind placing a sticker with your contact info on the inside back cover of the scrapbook. It’s a great way to generate business when their friends flip through your creation.


The faster you can work, the more money you’ll make, which is why Bronner swears by a few key tools, such as reposition­able adhesive (she loves the one by Creative Memories), a sharp pocket knife that makes it easy for her to move things around and good paper cutters. Another way to work smarter? Ask clients to put photos in order and to note on the back of each one the date, the event and the people or places shown. That way, you’ll save time when writing captions and slogans on each page.


That’s what Bronner calls the stickers, mats, ribbons and other adornments that make your scrapbooks stand out. Trending today? 3-D stickers! Her advice: “I always wait until Hobby Lobby has a 50% off sale, then I load up on items I’ll need for a specific project.” Also check out garage sales! “People buy a lot of scrapbooki­ng stuff they never use. I once bought a whole tub full of supplies for $10!” You’ll also save by reducing waste. For instance, Bronner saves scraps from cutting mats to use in corners.

Love to scrapbook? Have fun helping others preserve their precious memories—and get paid! That’s right: Folks will pay you anywhere from $15 to $30 a page for a custom scrapbook—mostly because they’re too busy or just “don’t know how.” Here’s how to make your passion pay off:

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