Woman's World

The fruit that stops over-50 weight gain!

Three recent studies confirm what you may already suspect—the hormone shifts after menopause make weight control a whole lot harder and can pile on as much as 12 extra pounds by age 60! Luckily, you can stay trim—or reverse mid-life weight gain, by:

- —Brenda Kearns

Maximizing ✓ metabolism with green coffee extract

A daily 400-mg. dose of green coffee extract can block postmenopa­usal weight gain—and help you shed three pounds every month, if the scale’s already up, reports the journal Gastroente­rology Research and Practice. Green coffee extract is rich in chlorogeni­c acid, a plant compound that boosts metabolism, helping your body convert fat into fuel with ease, says study coauthor Rohini Terry, PH.D. One option: Life Extension Coffeegeni­c ($24 for 90 capsules, Lef.com/ww). Important: Check with a doctor before starting a new supplement.

Controllin­g food ✓

cravings with pasta

If you love noodles, here’s great news: Women who eat a little pasta every day are slimmer than women who avoid it! Why? Pasta—both white and whole-wheat varieties— spurs your brain’s release of serotonin, a mood-boosting hormone that nixes food cravings and reduces stress eating. The studyprove­n dose: 2 oz. to 2 1/ 2 oz. (weighed before cooking) daily.

Koing belly fat ✓ with orange and green vegetables

Eating just four cups of bright orange or green vegetables weekly could help melt 14 pounds of belly fat every year, University of Illinois research shows. Pigments (carotenoid­s) in these colorful foods prod your liver to burn stored abdominal fat for energy, plus they block the formation of new postmenopa­usal belly fat!

Revving metabolism ✓

with protein

Folks who eat at least 4 oz. of lean red meat, poultry or seafood daily are half as likely to struggle with weight gain after menopause, Australian studies reveal. Lean protein helps fuel fat burn, plus it improves insulin sensitivit­y, so blood sugar is more easily absorbed and burned for energy.

Curbing your ✓ appetite with enticing aromas

You’d think that if food smelled amazing, you’d be tempted to eat more, but the opposite is true! According to the journal Flavour, when meals have wonderful aromas, we tend to take smaller bites, feel full sooner and eat less! Simply spike your dishes with extra herbs and spices and finish with a splash of vinegar or citrus juice. Tip: Toasting spices in a dry hot pan before using them enhances their aroma!

Preventing weight ✓

gain with pears

Eating one sweet, juicy pear each afternoon can slash your risk of postmenopa­usal weight gain 35%— plus help you lose weight 48% faster if you’re dieting, report British researcher­s. Pears are rich in phenolics, compounds that calm the hunger control center in the brain. Another great source of phenolics: berries.

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