Woman's World

Stay Young Turn back the clock with tea!

Do you drink tea? If not, you should! New research proves that the centuries- old beverage is a true health elixir with the power to . . .


1 Reset your genetic clock! Really! The journal Human Molecular Genetics reports that women (but not men) who drink black, green, oolong or white tea most days reverse genetic signs of aging, cutting their cancer risk in the process! Researcher­s suspect compounds in tea improve the way your body processes estrogen, which keeps your DNA healthier longer.

2 Thwart the aging effects of stress!

Green tea drinkers are 30% to 40% less stressed than those who skip the brew, a Japanese study found. “Green tea is a rich source of L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid that eases anxiety,” explains Jonny Bowden, PH.D., author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Prefer black tea? You’re in luck! A cup a day lowers your level of the health-harming stress hormone cortisol, University College, London, researcher­s report.

3 Keep you slender during menopause!

Sipping tea just twice a week lowers overall body fat as much as 20%, Taiwanese research shows. Although calorie-free, tea is filling—and its caffeine boosts metabolism.

4 Protect your memory!

Scientists at Canada’s Douglas Hospital Research Centre discovered that drinking a cup of green or black tea most days reduces your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. “Tea is loaded with antioxidan­ts and anti-inflammato­ry compounds that may ease inflammati­on in the brain,” explains Bowden.

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