Woman's World

Cure a sore throat with peas!

- — Brenda Kearns


throat? Hurts to swallow? Adults typically have at least three sore throats each year— and up to 42 million of us are dealing with one right now! Luckily you can cure those symptoms fast or, better yet, prevent them altogether by:

Halving your risk with peas

They’re brimming with vitamin C and coumestrol, nutrients that are so effective at revving your body’s ability to attack viruses, they can slash your risk of sore throats 50% or more if you eat one cup daily, Finnish research shows. Already ill? That cup-aday could have you cured three days faster!

Koing germs with salt water

Gargling with salt water is a major key to a pain-free throat, according to Canadian research. That’s because salt kills invading viruses and bacteria—plus, it calms pain nerves, preventing the discomfort of sore throats caused by postnasal drip, says Michael Finkelstei­n, M.D., author of Slow Medicine. To do: Mix 1/2 tsp. salt with 6 oz. warm water and gargle for one minute twice daily. Tip: Even without salt, regular gargling with plain water helps prevent upper respirator­y tract infections, research suggests.

Protecting your throat with vitamin A

Vitamin A is proven to heal and strengthen the lining of the throat while reducing pain-triggering tissue inflammati­on. No wonder Oregon State researcher­s say taking 5,000 IU daily could cut your risk of throat infections 50%— plus help you bounce back 53% faster if you do pick up a bug! One option: Solgar Vitamin A ($ 9 for 100 tablets, Vitaminsho­ppe.com).

Recovering faster with kiwis

These fuzzy green fruits are readily available in winter, and enjoying two daily could help rid you of a sore throat 62% faster— regardless of whether it was triggered by a bad cold or just dry indoor air, reports the British

Journal of Nutrition. Thanks goes to kiwi’s carotenoid­s, nutrients that reduce inflammati­on, speed healing, plus help your immune cells produce germ-killing antibodies, says study coauthor Margot Skinner, PH.D.

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