Woman's World

Mini Mystery

Q. What did the gingerbrea­d man put on his bed? A. A cookie sheet! When cash disappears from the corner store, the new deputy is determined to solve the crime they won’t cover it. If I disconnect the security system, I disconnect the insurance, they said.


Sheriff Karen Folger pulled the patrol car to the curb and waited for her newest deputy, Andy Coats. The new deputy slid into the car, still buttoning his coat and wearing a grin.

“Isn’t this wonderful!” He oozed enthusiasm.

Sheriff Folger thought that at 6:30 a.m., another hour’s sleep would have been more pleasing.

“My first case.” Deputy Coats wriggled like a puppy. “Uncle Harry will be so proud.”

His Uncle Harry was the town’s mayor, which might explain how he became a deputy.

“He might be,” the sheriff said, “if we solve it.”

“So . . . what happened?”

“A break-in at Ed Stanley’s Fast and Go grocery. Someone stole twelve hundred dollars.”

“Wow,” the deputy said as they hurried along the empty early-morning streets. “Any suspects?”

“We have an upset owner. That’s about it.”

“Oh,” Deputy Coats said, a touch of disappoint­ment in his voice. “Doesn’t the Fast and Go have alarms and cameras?”

The sheriff nodded as she pulled up in front of the store. “Yes, but they were all shut off during their renovation­s.”

Inside, Stanley sat on a stool behind the register, his head in his hands.

“Twelve hundred dollars,” he mumbled.

Sheriff Folger said, “Do you have insurance?”

Stanley pointed at the phone. “I called. They’re very sorry, but

Deputy Coats considered that while Sheriff Folger noted the open ceiling at an exposed circular pipe. A pipe large enough, perhaps, for a person to crawl though. “These renovation­s. What are you doing?” “We’re redoing the air conditioni­ng ventilatio­n.” “Does that pipe lead outside?” Stanley had no idea. Sheriff Folger sent Deputy Coats out to see if the builder had arrived yet. “Nothing else missing?” Stanley shook his head. Deputy Coats returned with the builder, a lean young man

in a green shirt with the name “Brian” stitched on the pocket.

The sheriff pointed up. “Brian, does the pipe lead outside?” Brian looked at the pipe, then at Sheriff Folger. “Sure. Where would you want a vent to go?”

“There was a burglary here last night. Could someone have entered through the pipe?”

“Oh.” Brian glanced at the pipe again. “Until the grates and fan get put in, I suppose it’d be possible.” He sounded doubtful. “Someone skinny.” He glanced at Deputy Coats’ lanky frame. “You might fit,” he said, hiding a grin. “Where were you last night?” Deputy Coats blushed. “Hey, I’m just kidding.” Brian turned to Stanley. “There were a lot of kids hanging around yesterday watching me work. I’m guessing a skinny, sweet-toothed kid could shimmy right through it.”

“No, no, no.” Stanley shook his head. “They wouldn’t break in. They’re all good kids.”

“Not the kids, huh?” Brian looked up again and frowned. “The pipe idea is pretty far-fetched anyway. Is there another way in? A key, maybe?”

“I have the only key,” Stanley said, “and I didn’t do it.”

Brian shrugged. “Then I don’t see how it could be done.”

Deputy Coats bobbed his head. “That’s right. Couldn’t be done.” He frowned. “Though I suppose Brian could have.” Brian stiffened. “Me?” “I don’t mean you did,” Deputy Coats blurted, concerned for the man’s feelings. “I just mean— well, don’t you see? You

could have.” The sheriff gave Deputy Coats a puzzled look. “Maybe you’d better explain that.”

 ??  ?? “I couldn’t find a star for the tree, so I downloaded a Youtube video onto my tablet!”
“I couldn’t find a star for the tree, so I downloaded a Youtube video onto my tablet!”

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