Woman's World

Snowman Cupcakes


1 white pkg. cake (15.25 mix oz.) 3 egg whites 1/3 cup oil 1 tsp. almond extract Rainbow sour belts candy 36 Necco wafers 1/2 cup white candy melts, melted 18 marshmallo­ws 1 tube (4.25 oz.) black decorating icing, fitted with plain tip 3 orange gumdrops Black licorice laces Marshmallo­w Frosting, above left Snowflake sprinkles

Preheat oven to 350°F. Line 18 muffin cups with cupcake liners. On low speed, beat cake mix, 1 cup water, egg whites, oil and extract until blended, 30 seconds; on medium, beat 2 minutes. Evenly divide batter among liners. Bake 18-20 minutes or until toothpick inserted into centers comes out clean. Cool 20 minutes. Transfer from pans to racks; cool completely.

For earmuffs, lengthwise trim off all but 3 colors from sour belts; discard trimmings. If desired, for brighter color, lightly brush remaining 3-colorwide pieces of sour belts with water to remove sugar coating. Cut pieces into 18 (2 1/2") long strips. Using toothpick with candy melts, attach 1 sour belt strip to 2 Necco wafers. Refrigerat­e until set, 15 minutes. Attach earmuffs to marshmallo­ws with candy melts. Refrigerat­e until set, 15 minutes. Pipe on icing eyes and mouth. For noses, cut triangles from gumdrops; attach to marshmallo­ws with candy melts. Dry 5 minutes. For arms, cut 36 (1 1/4") pieces from licorice laces. In batches, transfer frosting to large pastry bag fitted with medium plain tip (such as Wilton #1A). Pipe frosting over cupcakes in layers to form snowman body. Top with marshmallo­w heads; for arms insert licorice laces. Decorate with sprinkles. Makes 18 cupcakes.

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