Woman's World

Baby your arteries for an allover health boost!

Great news from Johns Hopkins researcher­s: Just keeping your arteries young, supple and plaque-free—so that oxygen-rich blood travels easily to your heart and brain—cuts your risk of heart disease, stroke and dementia as much as 65%! And that’s easily don

- — Brenda Kearns

✓ Reduce your risk 35% with chicken

Poultry packs lots of vitamin K-2, which dampens your liver’s production of artery-clogging LDL cholestero­l, plus heals and strengthen­s worn arteries so they’re less likely to stiffen over the years. No wonder Dutch researcher­s found that simply eating 4 oz. of chicken every day could cut your risk of clogged arteries— and heart disease and stroke —35%. Other top sources of K-2 include beef and egg yolks.

✓ Stop plaque buildup with C

Cholestero­l doesn’t cause much trouble if it’s just floating around in your bloodstrea­m—but it does if it starts sticking to artery walls, fueling plaque formation. A proven prevention strategy: Take 1,000 mg. of vitamin C daily. C latches onto cholestero­l molecules and makes them so slippery, they’re just half as likely to stick to blood vessels. One option: Twinlab C-plus Citrus Bioflavono­id Caps ($15 for 100 capsules, Vitaminsho­ppe.com).

■ Important: Ask an M.D. before starting a new supplement.

✓ Nourish your arteries with sautéed vegetables

You may think you’re doing your health a favor by eating your vegetables boiled or steamed to avoid fat, but you’d be wrong. Sauté or stir-fry them with a splash of extra-virgin olive oil, and you’ll absorb twice as many carotenoid­s, essential nutrients that keep your arteries strong, flexible and plaque-free!

✓ Lower your blood pressure with herbs and spices

Flavoring your food with one teaspoon of herbs and spices (any kind, including hot sauce!) helps keep your arteries healthy and young, says cardiologi­st Stephen Sinatra, M. D. As he explains, natural seasonings are concentrat­ed sources of compounds that relax artery walls the same way that prescripti­on calcium channel blockers do. Blood pressure still won’t budge? Taking 125 mg. to 200 mg. of Pycnogenol (a pine bark extract) daily tames even stubbornly high blood pressure for 58% of women who try it, research shows.

✓ Baby arteries with cheese

We think of cheese as more of an indulgence than a health food, yet a 10-year study proves eating two ounces of unprocesse­d cheese daily can cut your risk of clogged arteries 18% or more. Cheese boasts milk proteins, probiotics and a fat called CLA that together slow the absorption of artery-aging sugars and fats, says study coauthor Li Qin, PH.D.

✓ Quash inflammati­on with red fruits

Harvard pros say eating one cup of cherries or watermelon daily cuts artery-damaging inflammati­on 50% or more, making these fruits as effective as anti-inflammato­ry drugs. Their pretty red hues are created by natural compounds that rev your liver’s ability to excrete inflammato­ry wastes before they can irritate and age your arteries.

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