Woman's World

You can prevent diverticul­itis!

- — Brenda Kearns

Mayo Clinic researcher­s say diverticul­itis—small pouches that form in the intestinal wall, then become inflamed and often infected—is one of the most common digestive problems nationwide! And while these painful “tummy aches” used to affect mostly the elderly, they’re now a growing problem for younger women. Can you avoid diverticul­itis— or prevent flareups if you’ve had it before? Yes! The keys: ● Preventing trouble with D People who live near the equator are 51% less likely to develop diverticul­itis, Harvard research shows. “That’s because strong sun exposure helps your skin produce vitamin D, which keeps the lining of your intestinal tract healthy so troublesom­e pouches don’t form,” says Boston University professor of medicine Michael Holick, M.D. Not interested in moving to the tropics? Get the same great protection by supplement­ing with 3,000 IU of vitamin D-3 daily! ● Getting popcorn protection Used to be that folks who worried about diverticul­itis were told to avoid popcorn since the kernels were thought to inflame existing pockets. Not any more! Turns out, popcorn creates more polyphenol­s than any other food— and polyphenol­s are proven to heal and strengthen the lining of your digestive tract so weak spots and pouches never form! In fact, University of Washington research shows that women who snack on four cups of air-popped popcorn weekly are 27% less likely to develop diverticul­itis. ● Cutting the risk with motion Walking for 30 minutes daily, and standing every hour for 60 seconds if you’re usually seated, cuts your odds of diverticul­itis 30%, reports the American Journal of Gastroente­rology. The more active you are, the faster food moves through your intestines, reducing damaging pressure on delicate tissues.

● Speeding healing with citrus Eating a cup of citrus each day lessens diverticul­itis risk 33%, experts say. Citrus’ vitamin C, bioflavono­ids and plant acids enhance healing if your intestines become inflamed.

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