Woman's World

Over 50? Here’s how to lose weight now!

- —Kallie E. Kristensen

If extra pounds have been sneaking up on you recently, you’re not alone! As we pass through menopause, everything from a sluggish metabolism to hormonal changes cause most of us to gain weight. The great news? Science proves you can reverse that trend!

Sip tea before breakfast!

Research shows that a daily cup of black tea promotes weight loss by boosting healthy bacteria in your gut that help lower the stress hormone cortisol. “When cortisol is high, our bodies hoard fat,” says Michelle Schoffro Cook, PH.D., D.N.M. “Black tea reduces the amount of cortisol pumping through our blood vessels, making it a fantastic way to lose weight.” To better the benefit, sip your tea half an hour before breakfast, so you feel fuller when you do eat. Bonus: “Warm water breaks down food more quickly than cold water, making your breakfast easier to digest,” says dietitian Divya L. Selvakumar, PH.D., R.D.

Power weight loss with a power nap!

Skimping on sleep enlarges your waistline by triggering the hunger hormone ghrelin, “which makes us want to eat more, and it turns off the satiety hormone leptin,” notes Susan Besser, M.D. Plus, when we’re sleep-deprived, our brains respond more strongly to junk food, so it’s harder to practice portion control. Can’t fit in seven to eight hours of shuteye nightly? Fit in a daily nap, and you’ll dodge the trouble.

Downsize your plate!

After age 50, our bodies need fewer calories to stay in peak shape, which means eating the same amount as you did when you were younger can lead to sneaky weight gain. Luckily, cutting back by just 200 calories (about 10% of your daily calories) can keep pounds at bay. The easiest way to do that: Use a 10-inch plate instead of a 12-inch one and you’ll eat 30% fewer calories a day, per a Cornell University study. “We eat with our eyes before we eat with our mouths, so filling a smaller plate tricks our eyes—and hopefully our stomachs—into feeling fuller,” explains Selvakumar.

Have raspberry-yogurt parfaits for dessert

Getting enough protein is essential for keeping off extra pounds. “Sufficient protein at each meal, about four ounces of most protein-rich foods, helps keep blood-sugar levels stable, preventing the spikes and dips that cause the body to hold on to fat and increase cravings,” says Schoffro Cook. Her top protein pick: plain Greek yogurt! Even better: Pair it with raspberrie­s; they’re rich in ellagic acid, a compound Oregon State University studies show lessens weight gain by improving your overall muscle tone!

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