Woman's World

Natural supplement­s that Make it easy to lose weight!

At last! New research has pinpointed exactly which supplement­s can take the struggle out of weight loss— without triggering unwanted side effects!


1 Get sugar cravings? Try 5-HTP

If your resolve wavers whenever you smell fresh donuts or cookies, you’re not alone: For two in three of us, sugar cravings make weight loss especially difficult. The great news? German researcher­s discovered that taking 100 mg. to 200 mg. of 5-HTP daily can tame your sweet tooth— and double your weight loss. An amino acid, 5-HTP is the basic building block of serotonin, a mood-boosting hormone that also helps keep sugar cravings in check.

Important: Always talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement.

2 Love deep-fried foods? Take triphala

A daily 1,000-mg. dose of this Ayurvedic herb could help you shed 11 pounds in 90 days, reports the Daru Journal of Pharmaceut­ical Sciences. Triphala, a blend of three East Indian fruits, blocks fat absorption in the intestines, making it especially helpful for people tempted by deep-fried foods, bacon, potato chips and the like, says study coauthor Ali Kamali, PH.D.

3 Tend to stress eat? Reach for rhodiola

If stress made us crave kale, it wouldn’t be a problem—but it’s more likely to make us pile our plates with comfort foods! Rx: 250 mg. to 500 mg. of rhodiola daily. This herb reins in anxiety, helping you stay calm and focused even on hectic days, in turn, reducing stress eating enough to trigger a 12-pound weight loss in six months!

4 Always hungry? Get guggul

Do healthy, hearty meals leave you feeling . . . famished? Sounds as if you’re not producing enough leptin and cholecysto­kinin, hormones that help you feel comfortabl­y full after meals. Taking 500 mg. to 750 mg. of this Indian herb daily can fix this snafu, helping you shed six pounds in six weeks.

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