Woman's World

Found: Energy all day!

Can’t remember the last time you powered through a busy day without feeling fatigued? We know exactly how you feel! Here’s help!

- — Brenda Kearns

1 Trouble focusing? Consider B-12

Feeling tired, having trouble concentrat­ing and recalling details (like names) are the top three signs of a vitamin B-12 deficiency, researcher­s report in JAMA Psychiatry. The reason, explains study coauthor Greg Kalpouzos, PH.D.: B-12 is difficult to absorb from food— and shortfalls can actually mimic Alzheimer’s disease.

■ Energizing Rx: A daily 1,000-mcg. dose of sublingual (under-the-tongue) B-12 can have you all-day energized and mentally focused in three weeks.

● Important: Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.

2 Aches and pains? Add more protein

Your body uses protein to keep your nervous system energized and your muscles in great repair, which is why even a slight protein shortfall doubles your risk of feeling tuckered out and achy, according to a study in Nutrients. Yet as your protein needs increase as you age, your ability to digest protein-rich fare (like red meat)

drops. The fi x? Mixing three tablespoon­s of whey protein powder (which is easily absorbable) into a daily smoothie could send your tiredness— and soreness— plunging 52% in one month.

■ Not a smoothie fan? Mix protein powder into the milk you use in your morning cereal for a creamier, tastier start!

3 Never “in the mood”? Soak in some sunshine

Vitamin D-3 ups your production of the energizing hormone dopamine while also switching on genes that help you produce testostero­ne, the hormone of desire! In fact, Cornell University scientists say taking 4,000 IU of D-3 daily cuts fatigue in half— plus revs a flagging sex drive—in 60 days.

■ Bonus! Exposing your eyes to the sun (without sunglasses on) in the a.m. can help reset your body clock so you sleep better!

4 Trouble sleeping? Sip this lemony tea

If you find your mind caught up in a worry wheel at night, your brain may be craving magnesium. This mineral prompts your cells to produce energizing enzymes during the day; then when darkness falls, magnesium triggers the production of sleep-inducing melatonin. In fact, a nightly 400mg. dose can decrease tiredness 57% in 10 days. The easy way to up your stores? Sip a lemon-flavored magnesium “tea” (like Natural Vitality Natural Calm Sweet Lemon, $25, Vitacost.com) before bed.

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