Woman's World

Check out our sample menus to discover just how easy keto can be!


Our nutrition team worked with the diet experts and women who have slimmed to their goal weights to create these easy menus. As long as you’re losing weight, you can simply eyeball portions. Tip: Eat until you’re pleasantly full, being careful not to consume more than you need out of habit. “Overeating can slow results even if you’re not consuming any carbs,” notes Dr. Gerber. And while using this plan, drink plenty of water. Coffee and tea are also great, and you can add a little heavy cream if desired. Freely add other ultra-low- carb extras (herbs, vinegar, lemon juice, broth) to flavor meals to your liking. And note that these menus leave room for up to four servings of zero- cal sweetener or hunger-fighting fat bomb snacks a day. As always, get a doctor’s okay to try any new plan.

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