Woman's World

Circle of Kindness

Have you done something kind for someone . . . or been on the receiving end of a thoughtful gesture? Share your heartwarmi­ng story here!

- — Kathy Fink, Glendale, AZ

“It made me happy to lend a helping hand!”


on my way to visit my mother, I made a quick stop at the grocery store. The store was very busy, and I couldn’t find everything I needed. Frustrated, I decided to just pay for what I had and leave. As I was walking to my car, I noticed an elderly lady struggling to put a 12-pack of soda in her vehicle. Without saying a word, I walked over and put the soda and the rest of her groceries into her trunk. “Thank you,” she smiled. Suddenly, my mood lifted. It’s true what they say: Helping others helps us, too!

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