Woman's World

Ahh… natural pain relief

There’s far too much fall fun to be had to be sidelined by minor ouches. Fortunatel­y, one of these pain relievers is probably in your pantry right now!

- —Brenda Kearns

Sore muscles? Try turmeric

This spice dampens muscle pain twice as effectivel­y as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, Cornell University researcher­s say. It shuts down an enzyme ( COX-2) that churns out paintrigge­ring hormones when muscles are overworked or injured. Add 1 tsp. daily to smoothies or dressings to cut pain by up to 73%.

Headache? Try rosemary

Inhaling the aroma of rosemary can chase away head pain in 15 minutes, recent research suggests. Study co-author Alex Raskovic, PH.D., says rosemary’s aromatic compounds ( camphor and alpha-pinene) calm overactive pain nerves and relax spasming neck muscles. To do: Steep 1 Tbs. of dried rosemary in hot water for 10 minutes. Inhale deeply or use it to make an aromatic compress for your forehead.

Stiff back? Try mustard powder

Soaking in a mustard bath three times weekly can cut back pain by 53%, British researcher­s say. Thanks goes to mustard compounds ( ferulic and sinapic acids) that enhance blood circulatio­n, flush out inflammati­on and relax tight muscles. Mix 2 cups of Epsom salts and 1⁄ cup each of bak4 ing soda and dry mustard powder in a jar; add 1⁄ cup of 4 this mix to your tub. You’ll feel relief in 20 minutes!

Achy joints? Try sesame oil

Massaging joints with warm sesame oil is instantly soothing and cuts chronic pain by 59% in one week, according to recent research. The oil’s active ingredient­s ( sesamin and sesa

mol) boost healing of damaged tissues and calm the body’s pain response.

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