Woman's World

Fresh breath guaranteed

- Katherine Kluznik

If fear of stale, stinky breath keeps you from embracing family and friends, take heart: More than half of us battle bad-breath stress. Banish it by…

Sipping a green tea latte

A cup of tea can stop bad breath in its tracks! “Drinking green tea has a beneficial antibacter­ial effect,” says Sue Liebman, D.M.D. Indeed, research shows that potent polyphenol­s in green tea can quash 39% of odor-causing bacteria. Add a splash of milk and researcher­s at Ohio State University say it can block up to 50% of odor-causing compounds in foods. Or brush with a green tea–infused toothpaste, like Zion Health Claybrite White Natural Toothpaste with Green Tea Extract ( Vitacost.com).

Switching your swish

Mouthwash can help stamp out halitosis— but there’s a catch: Some products do more harm than good. “Ordinary mouthwashe­s tend to kill all bacteria in the mouth,” explains Steven Lin, D.D.S., author of

The Dental Diet— that means they take the good with the bad. The better solution: Opt for a zinc-powered mouthwash, which targets only odor-causing bacteria. Researcher­s at Stony Brook University in New York found that using a zinc mouthwash is so effective, it can keep bad breath at bay 12 times longer than regular mouthwash— and can even help prevent morning breath if you swish before bed. One to try: Smartmouth Mouthwash (Target stores). Scraping your tongue The bacteria that cause dental plaque are also major culprits in bad breath. “Odorcausin­g bacteria often accumulate and sit on the back of the tongue,” says Dr. Liebman. The fix: Add a tongue scraper to your brushing routine. Research shows that using one just three times a week reduces levels of stinky-breath triggers by 75%! One to try: Dr. Tung Tongue Cleaner (Amazon.com). —

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