Woman's World

Stay sharp with doodles!


Tapping into your inner artist could erase brain fog and fatigue, scientists at England’s University of Plymouth report. Just grab some paper and…

Sketch shapes to boost creativity:

Circles, squares, triangles…draw lots of them and your creative juices will be flowing within two minutes. Repetitive hand motions stimulate a brain region that heightens imaginatio­n (the prefrontal cortex).

Color to ease mental angst:

Spend just 10 minutes coloring and your stress levels will plunge by 43%! Focusing on staying within the lines calms the anxiety center of the brain (the amygdala).

Draw to remember more!

Doodle random images while listening to a conversati­on or presentati­on and you’ll recall 29% more! Turns out doodling stops daydreamin­g.

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