Woman's World

Happy Birthday!

Year-ahead forecast for those born this week take that first step in your plan. By the time the full-moon eclipse in your sign occurs in mid-july, you’ll begin to see the fruits of your efforts, and by the next new-moon eclipse in your sign in late Decemb


Your 2019 starts with a bang and keeps going strong all year long, Capricorn! That’s thanks to the new-moon eclipse in your sign come January 5, prompting you to set an intention around a major personal goal— envision all of the moving parts and then Making Taskmaster things Saturn, even sweeter? your key planet, forms a positive angle to dreamy Neptune in your communicat­ion zone. You’ll be even more driven to work hard to transform your dreams into a satisfying reality!

 ??  ?? Susan Lucci December 23, 1946
Susan Lucci December 23, 1946

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