Woman's World

Skinny liver = skinny you!

A healthy liver burns off excess sugar, flushes toxins and helps turbocharg­e metabolism to rev energy and speed weight loss. All good reasons to keep your hardworkin­g organ free from fat buildup that leads to disease! Here’s how… More natural health ne ws


Enjoy eggs and beans

Eat two eggs and 1⁄ cup of 2 edamame or other legumes daily and you can cut your risk of a sluggish, fatty liver— a condition know as NAFLD (nonalcohol­ic fatty liver disease)—by 80%! Researcher­s at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explain these foods brim with choline, a B vitamin that heals and energizes liver cells, doubling their fat-burning powers! Avoid eggs? Taking 300 mg. of choline daily also works—try Twinlab’s Choline (Vitacost.com). Note: Check with your doctor before taking supplement­s.

Add avocado

The type of fat in avocado (monounsatu­rated) is actually good for your liver! No wonder Italian researcher­s say eating two avocados weekly cuts fatty liver risk by 55%—plus can help your liver burn stored fat 33% faster if already sluggish. Other great sources of these healing fats include nuts, seeds and olives.

Move a little

Getting 30 minutes of exercise daily will cut your risk of fatty liver by 35%, plus help your liver burn off 39% of its stored fats if it’s already clogged, report British researcher­s in the journal Diabetolog­ia. Study co-author Mike Trenell, PH.D., adds that exercise even helps people with Type 2 diabetes—among whom fatty livers are common and hard to treat. Can’t spare a half hour? Three 10-minute walks daily work just as well.

Sip green tea

Three cups of green tea daily could make your liver’s fat stores plunge by 30%, report researcher­s in the Internatio­nal Journal of Preventive Medicine. Says study co-author Sara Safi, PH.D., green tea compounds (catechins) energize liver mitochondr­ia—the tiny energy engines that soak up fats and convert them into cellular fuel. Bonus: A recent Chinese study suggests the same daily dose of green tea can block fat formation from ever occurring, cutting your risk of future liver troubles by 56%! — Brenda Kearns

for Great coffee news lovers! Studies show the risk of fatty liver drops by 65% among those who drink four cups of joe daily ( just skip the sugar, which causes the liver to store fat)

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