Woman's World

Your horoscope

- by Maressa Brown

PISCES Feb 19– March 20

Have that heart-to-heart that’s been weighing on your mind before the 1st, as Mercury prepares to go retrograde in your sign. You’ll feel at peace! From the 1st on, prioritizi­ng solo time helps bring better balance to your life. Your lucky days: Feb. 24, 25, Mar. 1 Your lucky numbers: 1, 3, 12

GEMINI May 21– June 20

It’ll be a night full of laughs on the 27th, as a gathering with friends makes for a memorable time. Thanks to Venus moving in your higher learning zone on the 1st, advancing your skill set can lead to profession­al growth. Your lucky days: Feb. 27, Mar. 1, 2 Your lucky numbers: 7, 11, 18

VIRGO Aug 23– Sept 22

Address an ongoing issue with your mate before the 1st, when Mercury prepares to go retrograde in your partnershi­p zone—you’ll find the resolution you need. From the 1st on, a creative get-healthy plan fills you with energy! Your lucky days: Feb. 24, 25, Mar. 1 Your lucky numbers: 5, 14, 15

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22– Dec 21

Take time for self-reflection on the 24th—it’ll help you find more balance in your life and set you on the path to wellness. With Uranus in your romance zone on the 27th, an impromptu date night leads to fireworks! Your lucky days: Feb. 24, 27, Mar. 2 Your lucky numbers: 1, 3, 12

ARIES March 21– April 19

An adventurou­s and impromptu date night will lead to big sparks on the 27th. While Venus is in your networking zone starting the 1st, working with colleagues on a creative project could lead to a big win for everyone. Your lucky days: Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 2 Your lucky numbers: 6, 9, 11

CANCER June 21– July 22

An artistic impulse on the 24th may inspire you to take your profession­al aims to the next level. While Venus is in your intimacy zone starting the 1st, spending more time with your partner can have you feeling extra loved! Your lucky days: Feb. 24, 25, Mar. 2 Your lucky numbers: 5, 6, 8

LIBRA Sept 23– Oct 22

Indulge in a little “me time” to recharge on the 24th—the break will boost your productivi­ty and cash flow! With Venus in your romance zone starting the 1st, upping the flirt factor with your mate is sure to send sparks flying. Your lucky days: Feb. 24, 27, Mar. 2 Your lucky numbers: 2, 3, 7

CAPRICORN Dec 22– Jan 19

A fun activity with your mate on the 28th has you both feeling amazing and even more connected. On the 1st, a moon-saturn meet-up in your sign helps you set a big-picture goal that’s close to your heart. You’ve got this! Your lucky days: Feb. 25, 28, Mar. 1 Your lucky numbers: 8, 15, 17

TAURUS April 20– May 20

Trust your gut on the 28th, when deciding how to step up your wellness routine. Success will be yours! As Venus moves into your career zone on the 1st, a creative approach to a project can earn you recognitio­n from VIPS. Your lucky days: Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 1 Your lucky numbers: 2, 9, 10

LEO July 23– Aug 22

Meeting a challenge head on will make you feel centered, strong and empowered on the 1st. After Venus transition­s into your partnershi­p zone on the 1st, pair up with your mate on a project—teamwork boosts your chemistry! Your lucky days: Feb. 26, 27, Mar. 2 Your lucky numbers: 6, 7, 15

SCORPIO Oct 23– Nov 21

Go ahead and be a little daring for date night on the 24th—it’ll crank up the magic with your mate! With a moon-saturn meet-up in your communicat­ion zone on the 1st, talking with higher-ups about your work goals serves you well. Your lucky days: Feb. 24, 25, Mar. 1 Your lucky numbers: 3, 9, 11

AQUARIUS Jan 20– Feb 18

Paying close attention to details before the 1st helps keep your financial strategy on track. With Venus in your sign starting the 1st, enjoying health and beauty routines you love can feel especially restorativ­e. Your lucky days: Feb. 27, March 1, 2 Your lucky numbers: 2, 4, 6

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