Woman's World

Anne brings home six figures blogging about reading!


When Anne Bogel started writing book reviews online, she never imagined it would turn into a lucrative job! Read on to learn how she did it

Afew years ago, I wanted to find work I could do on my own time. I’ve always been an avid reader, so my husband suggested I start a blog with book recommenda­tions. I knew nothing about blogs, but I thought it could be fun.

“First, I filled a notebook with post ideas, like the genres I like, books I’d read or books people were talking about. Then I set up a website (Modernmrsd­arcy. com). I used a theme to design it, which wasn’t impossible, but there was a learning curve. Then I started writing. With each post, I tried to put a spin on the book I was reading, so I wrote a series called ‘Life Lessons from Green Gables,’ based on the

Anne of Green Gables books. I also addressed topics I talked to my friends about, like work, family and time management.

“I began reading other blogs with similar content. As I started to network with these bloggers, they’d visit my site, share my content and link back to me.

“Soon I realized I could make money with advertisin­g and affiliate networks— companies that pay you to link to their products. I also offer a paid book-club membership and podcast. It’s been so successful that I make a six-figure salary.

“Blogging allows me to do what I love: read and write. It also provides a flexible schedule, so I was able to write a book, Reading People: How Seeing the World Through the Lens of Personalit­y Changes Everything!”

 ??  ?? Anne Bogel, 40, Louisville, KY
Anne Bogel, 40, Louisville, KY

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