Woman's World

Turbo keto


Columbia University–trained nutrition expert and author of The A- List Diet Fred Pescatore, M.D., has put a turbocharg­ed twist on the popular keto diet that works so well, folks are losing 30, 40, even 65 pounds in 30 days. His secret: “I help people increase their amino acid intake while following simple keto guidelines. Amino acids are ‘building block’ compounds, and they’re proven to stimulate the body to replace fat with lean muscle. They also significan­tly speed fat burning and metabolism.” Amino-boosting is especially effective after age 40, he says, adding that for keto dieters, “It’s often the difference between so-so results and amazing ones!”

So what exactly does Dr. Pescatore’s aminoboost­ed keto diet entail? As on a traditiona­l keto plan, you’ll replace most of the carbs you consume with protein and healthy fat. “When you cut carbs keto-style, your body can no longer make enough blood sugar to fuel itself. It then enters a state of ‘ketosis’ during which fat becomes its primary fuel,” he explains. “Studies show that ketosis helps most people lose weight—but it can come off quite slowly. To speed things

up, you need to unleash the fatburning powers of amino acids.”

Blast fat faster

Experts say we need 20 types of amino acids for optimal health, including 11 varieties we make on our own and nine varieties we can only get from proteinric­h food. Aminos “are key to every metabolic process,” Dr. Pescatore says. “Yet few dieters get enough. So metabolism becomes sluggish, and the scale moves more slowly than it needs to.” His fix? For starters, skip

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