Woman's World

Easy add-ins that prevent diabetes


By the time we’re 45, CDC researcher­s say up to 41% of us have prediabete­s—which is marked by elevated blood-sugar levels— and 90% of us don’t even know it! The good news: You can sidestep the risk by adding in these study-backed lifestyle tweaks that steady blood sugar, reverse prediabete­s and prevent Type 2 diabetes! Add this to your tub

Blissful baths steady blood sugar for up to eight hours, suggests research in the Journal of Applied Physiology. Explains study co-author Steven Bailey, PH.D., when your skin temperatur­e rises, your blood vessels release nitric oxide, which heightens insulin sensitivit­y. Add in Epsom salts, rich in easily absorbed magnesium, and University of North Carolina researcher­s say you’ll cut prediabete­s risk by 50%, plus reverse the condition if you have it now.

Add clove oil to your toothpaste

You can cut your risk of diabetes by 57% just by keeping your gums in great shape, Spanish researcher­s say. The bacteria that cause gum disease also hamper your pancreas’ ability to keep blood sugar steady. Simply add a drop of clove essential oil to your toothpaste to destroy troublesom­e gum bacteria— even the drug-resistant kind—in a week!

Add pep to your step

Just 30 minutes of daily movement reduces your risk of diabetes by 40%. Sneak a few 60-second bursts of speed into that daily stroll, and Canadian researcher­s say you’ll switch on the genes that help your muscles burn excess blood glucose for fuel, upping blood-sugar control by as much as 58% for 24 hours.

Add protein to your breakfast every day

Enjoying 4 oz. of am protein heightens blood-sugar control better than prescripti­on diabetes medication­s, say British researcher­s, because protein energizes the insulin-regulating pancreas. To get the benefits, go for 1 cup of Greek yogurt or 3 eggs. — Brenda Kearns

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