Woman's World

“Walking made me stronger than ever!”

Lose 65 lbs in 30 days with Dr. Pescatore’s amino acid discovery


amino-deficient processed meat like bacon and bologna, and aim to get as much variety of high-quality protein as possible. “Every type of vegetarian protein, fish, poultry and meat contains a different profile of amino acids, and by mixing things up, you’re far more likely to cover all your bases,” he says. “For many people, simply switching up proteins will improve amino acid levels enough to speed weight loss.” But he doesn’t stop there…

The ultimate keto booster

“Three amino acids are especially crucial to weight loss—

leucine, isoleucine and valine,” says Dr. Pescatore. Called branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAS, “they naturally stimulate the production of fat-burning hormones. Among my patients, supplement­ing with BCAAS has been key to shedding pounds like never before.” Science backs him up. A University of Illinois study on women over 40 found that those getting extra BCAAS melted nearly 100% more flab than those getting the same calories but few BCAAS. And a study on seniors led by University of Alaska’s Robert Coker, PH.D., found that shakes spiked with amino acids literally double the speed at which we burn fat. Add a little exercise and, per a French study, dieters supplement­ing with BCAAS can lose a whopping 17% of their body fat and 34% of their belly fat in just 19 days!

Real-world wow

When Antonietta Vigliotti cut carbs on her own, she felt drained and cranky. Then a weight-loss coach recommende­d a keto diet and BCAArich drinks. “It gave me such an energy boost, I could work at my family’s restaurant until 11 pm and still feel like exercising afterward. I attribute that to the amino acids,” reports the New York mom, 48. “For the first time in my life, the weight was just falling off.” All told, she shed 152 pounds.

Then there’s Emily Frazer, who went keto after she saw friends lose big. The food lover started a Pinterest board of keto recipes. “I’d change up what I made for dinner almost every night,” she says. Then she read about adding amino-rich powder to her coffee and shakes. Once she tried it, “I wasn’t just burning fat, I was building lean muscle in place of the fat. I could feel myself getting firmer and stronger!” Shedding up to 18 pounds a month, the New York business owner, 43, is now 53 pounds slimmer— and loving life on an amino-boosted keto diet. “The results are amazing, and you still get to eat really delicious food!”

Catharine Neinhouse gasped for breath as she hurried down the hospital corridor, desperatel­y trying to keep up with the younger nursing students in her class. I’ ll never make it through this program if I don’t get my health under control, the Tucson, Arizona, 48-year-old fretted to herself.

Catharine had begun experienci­ng fatigue, trouble breathing and intermitte­nt chest pain in 2014. Over the next two years, she’d visited several doctors, but no one could pinpoint the cause. Realizing her chest pain worsened right before her period, Catharine had talked to her gynecologi­st and finally gotten an answer: endometrio­sis in her lungs.

Seeing Catharine’s surprise, her doctor had explained that, though most often found in the pelvic region, endometria­l tissue can invade any organ, and if scar tissue is present, symptoms can intensify. Catharine had battled a fungal lung infection years earlier, which had caused scarring in the same area as the endometria­l tissue.

Because endometria­l tissue responds to hormonal changes, Catharine’s doctor began hormone injections to stop her period, which helped ease her symptoms. But as Catharine began taking nursing classes, she realized the years of inactivity due to chest pain and breathless­ness had also taken a toll on her cardiovasc­ular health, leaving her weak and exhausted. “I’ve always been active, and I love hiking, but now it takes all I’ve got just to get to my classes,” she told her husband. “And all I want to do when I get home is sleep.” Yet the more she rested, the worse she felt, physically and emotionall­y. So in January 2018, Catharine finally had enough. I must get my life back.

Healthier and happier

After being sedentary for so long, Catharine knew she needed to start slowly, so she turned on Jessica Smith’s 1 Mile Walk and Talk videos on Youtube. Catharine would study for her nursing exams for two hours, then walk in place with the 15-minute video, then repeat. Even that tired her out, but Catharine refused to give up.

Slowly, she worked up to 25-minute walks in her living room, then began taking strolls around her neighborho­od, giving herself pep talks along the way. “You’re out of breath, but keep going!” she’d cheer.

Soon Catharine realized she wasn’t gasping and actually felt energized. And one day, she was climbing stairs to her seats at a sporting event when she stopped to rest.

“I’m not stopping to catch my breath. My legs are just tired,” she enthused to her husband. “It’s been years since I’ve been able to move enough for my muscles to tire!”

Today Catharine feels better than ever, her endometrio­sis is under control and she’s keeping up with her younger classmates and completing her favorite hikes with ease. “Walking is such a simple exercise, yet so empowering, and it gives you big benefits even when you start small,” smiles Catharine. “A year ago, I thought, I’m heading into old age, it’s time to give up. But today, I am happier, healthier and stronger than ever!” — Alyssa Rosenthal

“Walking at a nice slow pace can give you amazing results— it doesn’t have to be strenuous” — Jamé Heskett, M.D.

 ??  ?? For more great tips, check out The A- List Diet or go to Drpescator­e.com
For more great tips, check out The A- List Diet or go to Drpescator­e.com
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