Woman's World

Stay headache-free all summer long!


Warmer weather and longer days are a boon for your mood, but adjusting to June’s erratic temperatur­es and humidity fluxes can make you 36% more likely to suffer fun-killing headaches, Harvard University researcher­s say. To the rescue: these easy, study-proven strategies that prevent head pain before it starts! Soak up the sun

Whether you lounge on the patio or play with your pup, spending 20 minutes in the sun each day will cut your risk of tension headaches in half, plus prevent migraines as effectivel­y as prescripti­on meds, Spanish researcher­s report. Neurologis­t Mario Peres, M.D., explains sun exposure increases your daytime production of vitamin D-3 and your nightly release of melatonin, nutrients that relax scalp and neck muscles and reduce painful blood vessel inflammati­on.

Ease into movement

Moving for 30 minutes each day will cut your risk of summer headaches by 55%, suggests research in the journal Cephalalgi­a. Study co-author Emma Varkey, PH.D., says that exercise prods the brain to release natural painkiller­s called endorphins. But sudden increases in exertion trigger brain pain for 50% of headache sufferers, so ease into activity with five minutes of stretches.

Sip lemon water

Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into a 24-oz. bottle of water and sip it throughout the day to reduce your risk of hot-weather headaches by 25%, Dutch researcher­s suggest. A steady trickle of fluids prevents summer’s number-one headache trigger—mild dehydratio­n—while lemon’s aromatic fruit acids calm overactive pain nerves in your neck and scalp. Tip: You’ll get 30% more juice out of a lemon if you microwave it on high for 10 to 20 seconds before slicing.

Savor a spinach omelet

Spinach is at its peak freshness now, and enjoying 1 heaping cup daily could cut your risk of summer headaches by 42%. Australian researcher­s say this leafy green brims with plant compounds that reduce ache-triggering inflammati­on in blood vessels in the brain and raise your pain threshold, so weather fluxes don’t cause headache flares. — Brenda Kearns

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