Woman's World

“All my tiredness and pain— gone!”


“Infrared saunas stimulate lymphatic drainage, which removes the toxins that contribute to Lyme symptoms” — Richard Horowitz, M.D.

After 12 years of coping with unexplaine­d tiredness and discomfort, Kristyn Moore finally received a diagnosis: Lyme disease. As she underwent treatments and slowly recovered, her doctor suggested a hot (literally!) new treatment— and it made all the difference!

As the last guest left her house, Kristyn Moore collapsed on her couch. She’d been happy to host her best friend’s baby shower, but throughout the party, she’d struggled with the exhaustion and spinal pain that had plagued her for months. What is wrong with me? the then-33-year-old from Chicago worried.

Three years earlier, after fracturing her spine in a sledding accident, Kristyn had been diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome, a chronic disorder in which pressure on sensitive “trigger” points in the muscles causes pain. Kristyn had thought her tiredness was related to the disorder, but despite undergoing treatment, her fatigue worsened and the pain continued.

As the years went by, the things Kristyn once enjoyed, like hosting the shower for her friend, left her completely drained. Soon, she was so exhausted that she had to start

working from home and relied on her husband and a nanny to help care for her son. Gradually, new symptoms appeared, such as brain fog, poor memory and dizziness. Kristyn saw a half dozen doctors and underwent countless tests, but no one could

figure out what was wrong.

Finding relief

In 2011, after 12 years of suffering, Kristyn turned to a functional medicine doctor. “I suspect you have Lyme disease caused by tick-borne bacteria,” he told her. Kristyn was shocked. “I was bitten by a tick in 1999, but I didn’t get the bull’s-eye rash, so I didn’t think I had to worry,” she recalled. But after another test, the diagnosis was confirmed. Relieved to have answers, but also worried about her future, Kristyn found a Lyme specialist and started on antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal medication­s. To help her symptoms, her doctor also suggested she try an infrared sauna. “The light penetrates deep into the tissues to remove toxins and heavy metals and help kill bacteria that can cause Lyme symptoms,” he explained.

Hopeful, Kristyn found a local spa with an infrared sauna and went for 15 minutes every other day, then worked up to 30 minutes, three times a week. Although the temperatur­e was about 150°F, Kristyn found it more gentle than a traditiona­l sauna. Before each treatment, she’d drink plenty of water, and afterward, she’d take a shower, alternatin­g between warm and cold water, finishing with cold to close her pores.

After a month, Kristyn marveled at how great she felt: She had less pain and more energy, and her quality of sleep, cognitive function and memory had improved.

Today, at age 49, Kristyn has more energy than ever, remains pain-free and even has her own infrared sauna in her home that she uses twice a week. “This journey taught me to appreciate life and to live in a more meaningful way,” says Kristyn, who became a holistic health coach to help others find relief. “The sauna works—i’m just so grateful to have my life back!” —Julie Revelant

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