Woman's World


Here’s why experts say a food log is so incredibly effective


Numerous large studies have found the more days a dieter tracks her food intake, the more likely she is to lose huge. Why? “Most people have no idea how much they actually eat. A food log changes that instantly,” notes University of Washington food log expert Anne Mctiernan, M.D., PH.D. “Just becoming more aware of calories and nutrition prompts you to make better choices.” The effect is so powerful, it doubles the amount of weight the average woman loses when she tries to slim down.

Think you don’t have time for a log? Think again! University of Vermont researcher­s used new technology to determine that food tracking ultimately takes a mere 14.6 minutes each day. That’s a fraction of the time you’d have to spend exercising to see a difference on the scale. Better yet: They found as long as you track at least 20 days per month, results soar. You don’t have to be perfect, just consistent! “If you want to set yourself up for success, it really is the way to go,” says study head Jean Harvey, PH.D. No wonder folks using food logs report losing up to 25 pounds in 30 days without following a specific diet!

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