Woman's World

Dr. Stork’s flat-belly smoothies

Tasty drinks made with fiber-rich ‘superprote­in’ are helping women melt up to 20 lbs in 21 days


Looking for a way to slim down that’s quick, delicious, satisfies carb cravings and leaves you glowing from head to toe? Then take a tip from Travis Stork, M.D., and start whipping up daily smoothies loaded with his favorite bodytransf­orming ingredient: plant protein. “Smoothies make getting more plant protein tasty and convenient— and plant protein contains a jackpot of nutrients that’ll help you get lighter, improve your health and feel ready to take on the world,” The Doctors star promises. Research backs him up, proving that extra plant protein fights diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more. Meanwhile, an exciting new Purdue study found that dieters who increase their intake of plant protein melt a whopping 290% more flab than those who don’t. No wonder smoothie fans have dropped up to 20 pounds in three weeks!

To shed spare pounds Dr. Stork–style, simply replace one meal each day with a plant protein–rich smoothie; at other sittings, aim for at least half of your protein to come from sources like beans, peas, soy, nuts and seeds. You’ll get bonus doses of plant protein from unlimited veggies and fruit, along with a couple of servings of whole grains. Make everything taste good with a

little healthy fat. That’s all there is to it. It’s no-fuss, affordable and— unlike plans that cut out food groups or severely limit food intake—it just feels right. Yet it’s still a very effective way to melt fat.

How plant protein works slimming magic

Plant protein stimulates metabolism, firms skin and strengthen­s muscle the same way that animal protein

does, “but plant protein comes with a lot more advantages for anyone trying to lose weight,” says Dr. Stork. Compare, for example, 250-calorie servings of soy and steak: Each contains about the same amount of protein, but soy’s protein is packed with antioxidan­ts that flatten the belly and soothe inflammati­on. Steak has virtually no antioxidan­ts; instead, it’s chock-full of belly-plumping saturated fat. What’s more, a 250-calorie serving of soy boasts roughly double the volume and 10 times more fiber than steak. “Fiber not only fills us up and makes plant foods harder to overeat, it’s also the body’s best ‘prebiotic’— which means it feeds bacteria in our gut that promote weight loss and overall vitality,” says Dr. Stork. Good gut bacteria are proven to reduce calorie absorption, kill junk-food cravings, slash levels of belly-fat hormones and reduce the risk of countless diseases. They’re so powerful in terms of weight control, a massive new British study recently found that gut bacteria seem to be the key factor when one twin is naturally lean and her identical sister is obese. As for animal foods? A landmark Harvard study found they feed bacteria in our gut linked to weight gain and illness. Now, Dr. Stork isn’t suggesting you swear off steak or any other animal protein you happen to love. The goal is simply to increase plant-based protein. “Even if you only make a small change, like adding one plantbased smoothie meal a day, you’ll notice benefits,” he says. Those benefits won’t just be on the scale either. “The most striking finding for me has been how much better women feel when they eat more plantbased protein!”

Real-world wow

Increasing­ly run-down as she struggled through financial hardships, Tracy Russell read about the power of plant protein–rich smoothies. “Drinking one daily was the single most powerful, life-changing habit I ever picked up,” raves the New York mom, 38. She starts most days blending fruit, greens and rice-based protein powder. “It sets me up to be healthy all day. I feel energetic and full till lunch, then I find myself craving healthier foods.” That includes lots of other plant protein–rich options like overnight oats with chia seeds and bean tostadas. In a matter of months, “I lost 40 pounds without feeling deprived. My health improved so much, I rarely get sick anymore— and I have tons of energy.”

Tracy now runs smoothie challenges at Davyandtra­cy. com, and regularly sees women drop up to 25 pounds a month. “If you do nothing else but replace your current breakfast with a green smoothie meal, you will experience amazing results. I hope everyone tries it!”

For more informatio­n and recipes, check out The Lose Your Belly Diet or @Travisstor­kmd on Instagram.

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The Doctors is airing now; go to Thedoctors­tv. com for local listings
Season 12 of The Doctors is airing now; go to Thedoctors­tv. com for local listings
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