Woman's World

After years of suffering migraines, Instagram helped Mariellen find relief


Debilitati­ng migraines and sinus infections slowly drained years from Mariellen Sullivan’s life, and doctors and medication did very little to ease her pain. One physician even told her, “The pain’s all in your imaginatio­n.” But just as the Salem, New Hampshire, resident had lost all hope of healing, she stumbled upon an Instagram post that led her to miraculous relief! Here, she shares her story with Woman’s World

What a miserable day,” I sighed, shaking my head as I gazed down at the framed photo in my hand. It had been a beautiful afternoon, full of family talking and laughing around me. Yet my headache had been so intense that I couldn’t enjoy a single moment. In fact, it took all the strength I had just to force a smile for the camera.

“For years, I had struggled with excruciati­ng migraines and sinus infections. The constant pain drained my energy to the point where simple tasks like showering or chatting with friends felt like chores.

“Getting up in the morning to go to work was agony and looking in the mirror one day, I couldn’t remember the last time I had actually laughed. It was a sad, dark reality, but because I looked okay on the outside, no one thought there was anything really wrong with me—including my doctors.

“I pressed experts for answers, explaining that the pain was sometimes so intense I felt like I was going to pass out. But when my brain scans didn’t turn up anything abnormal, it became clear that there was no cure on the horizon. In fact, I was devastated when one doctor even told me, ‘The pain is all in your imaginatio­n.’ Another expert, seeing that I was longing for a diagnosis, threw out the term ‘ frequent headache syndrome,’ adding, ‘But it’s no big deal really,’ before prescribin­g migraine drugs. “The medication, however, didn’t help and brought on harsh side effects. That’s when life got scary. While shopping one day, I got so dizzy that I nearly passed out. Suddenly, I was afraid to drive, and my anxiety flared even higher. I would often try to sleep just to escape the pain. “Deep in despair, I started to think I was crazy. I felt I had no control over anything in my life. I’d become a victim of my illness. Lying in bed, one fear overwhelme­d me: What if I never get better…

A surprising remedy

“Then one day, I came across an Instagram post about how author Anthony William’s nutrition advice could transform lives. Really? I thought, skepticall­y. Sounds like a

joke. Growing up, food was never

“Migraines and chronic sinus infections can be caused by the bacteria streptococ­cus” — Anthony William

described to me as something ‘good’ or ‘ bad.’ Plus, I had suffered for so long I believed most things were beyond my control.

“Still, I was desperate for relief, so I ordered a copy of William’s first book

Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.

When I started reading it, I cried. If any doctor has ever told you that you’re crazy, you are

not, William proclaimed. He understood me in a way I had never felt understood by doctors before— and he had real answers.

“I learned that my mysterious symptoms were due to a sluggish liver that had trapped toxins in my body, causing inflammati­on and strain in my system.

“Inspired, I began incorporat­ing the book’s simple advice into my life, including drinking fresh, straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. And within two weeks, I felt dramatical­ly better. My headache pain was decreasing, and I felt more rested than I had in a long time.

“I kept making changes step by step— including sipping William’s heavy metal detox smoothies, eating plant-based meals and following his 28-day cleanse— and slowly, all my pain and symptoms went away.

“It didn’t happen overnight, just like I hadn’t become chronicall­y ill overnight. But seeing Medical Medium success stories online kept me committed to the process, helped me finally feel empowered and restored the hope that I could indeed heal my own body!

“Soon, I could drive my car again without having to pull over and take breaks to rest my aching head. Plus, I had the strength to grocery shop and accept social invitation­s again. I finally had my freedom back!

“On this journey, I healed physically and grew spirituall­y. I feel strong knowing how much control I really do have over my health. I’m so grateful for how far I’ve come. I truly don’t think I’d be here today without the Medical Medium.

“Today, when I see photos of myself, I know the smiles are real, not forced. Feeling free of my chronic illness is hands down the best feeling. It has transforme­d my life!”

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