Woman's World

Quick relief from back pain

- —K.E. Kluznik

Are pain pills not helping your aching back? Harvard Medical School reports that drugs like acetaminop­hen relieve back pain no better than a placebo. What is science-proven to work? These simple natural tips! Walk around the block

The simplest prescripti­on of back pain: taking a 20- to 40-minute walk a few times a week. “Back pain is usually caused by muscles being tight and shortened,” explains Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of Pain

Free 1–2–3. “Walking not only stretches muscles, it strengthen­s the back and abdominal muscles that support the spine, so they are less likely to seize up on you.” In fact, research published in the journal Clinical Rehabilita­tion

found walking to be as effective at eliminatin­g back pain as some forms of in-office physical therapy.

Tense and release

Back pain kicks off a vicious circle, triggering the body to tense up, which in turn ratchets up the pain even more. But new Italian research finds that 10 minutes of a simple relaxation technique breaks the cycle, causing pain scores to plummet. “Progressiv­e muscle relaxation is an easy process in which you tense a group of muscles as you breathe in, and then you relax those muscles as you breathe out,” explains Michelle Ebbin, author of The Touch Remedy: Hands-on Solutions to De-stress

Your Life. “This eases physical tension responsibl­e for chronic back pain.” Enter the search terms “progressiv­e muscular relaxation” on Youtube for free video guides.

Rub on this!

British research reveals that folks who rubbed a comfrey cream on their backs decreased the intensity of their pain by 95% in five days. “A variety called traumaplan­t is so powerful that research has shown it to be even more effective than pain medication­s,” says Dr. Teitelbaum, who advises choosing one “free of pyrrolizid­ine alkaloids,” which are toxic to the liver. One to try: Terry Naturally Traumaplan­t.

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