Woman's World

Dodge sneaky travel fees


Score a great deal on car rental, hotel or airfare? Hidden charges can drive that price right back up! But you can save hundreds with these pro tips… To skip home rental fees

Booking a stay via vacation rental websites like Airbnb.com or VRBO.COM means paying less for roomier accommodat­ions than a hotel. But these sites tend to charge a 10% “service fee.” The easy way to avoid it: Search the address of the property you’re interested in online, advises travel expert Anita Kaltenbaug­h, author of Travel Secrets. “Many owners have their own sites advertisin­g the same homes for rent. But they don’t need to charge that fee, so you can book it through them to save.”

To save $100 on car rentals

Driving a rental car from one point to another and don’t plan to make a return trip? You could get socked with a $100 or more “drop-off fee.” Explains Kaltenbaug­h: “You may be taking your rental to another branch of the same company, but they have to return the car to its original starting point, which costs them time and gas.” The good news? “These companies often offer coupons that eliminate drop-off charges, so call ahead and ask what promotions they’re running.” Also smart: Avoid renting a car from the airport—they may charge a 13% “concession recovery fee” to cover the cost of operations at the terminal. Instead, opt for a bus or rideshare from the airport to an offsite rental location where they don’t charge this fee.

To avoid this airline charge

If you’re planning to purchase airline tickets over the phone, heads up! “Most airlines now charge a ‘direct ticketing fee’ for booking with a live agent,” says Kaltenbaug­h. “It’s more expensive to pay staff than it is for a website to handle transactio­ns, so the airline charges you more to cover the cost.” For instance, American and United Airlines add $25, and Allegiant charges $14.99 per person for each stop in your itinerary. To skip this fee: Before you book, call an airline’s customer service number (that’s free) to find out if, like Delta, they don’t charge for booking through an agent.

To nix $45 a day on hotels

Found a great price on a hotel room? Before you book it, call the specific hotel directly (avoiding the company’s toll-free line) and ask about all the fees you’ll be expected to pay, urges Kaltenbaug­h. “There could be mandatory fees that aren’t disclosed in the advertised price.” For example, many hotels charge a “resort fee,” which covers amenities you might not use, such as a morning newspaper and gym access, raising your rate by an extra $ 20 or more per day. Others charge a fee for parking or valet service, which can tack on an extra $ 25 daily. And don’t touch the minibar if you don’t plan to buy, Kaltenbaug­h cautions. “More and more hotels have installed electronic motion sensors in minibars that detect when you’ve picked up a beverage or snack. If you do, you’ll be charged for it— even if you put it right back!”

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