Woman's World

Health expert and author Anthony William says...


“Mariellen unfortunat­ely had to endure what so many other women have— being told her symptoms are all in her head and are not real. This is ignorant, traumatic and wrong. Women’s symptoms and their illnesses are very real, just as Mariellen’s were: They are just not always understood by medical research and science.

“Since the health practition­er or doctor simply didn’t know what was causing her issues, he or she put the blame back on Mariellen. It is tragic that so many women have had this same experience. There are very real reasons for Mariellen’s symptoms, as I believe there are for all chronic illnesses.

“Migraines, in particular, can be caused by a number of different things, including the bacteria streptococ­cus—

which also causes the chronic sinus infections Mariellen suffered with— along with toxic heavy metals, viruses such as Epstein- Barr and shingles, and more.

“Mariellen wasn’t able to receive this diagnosis because medical research and science are not yet aware of the different mutated strains of these viruses that exist and how they can cause hundreds of different symptoms and illnesses. I include a full list of causes and triggers in Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.

“The celery juice Mariellen incorporat­ed into her mornings helped her to feel dramatical­ly better so quickly because it’s an anti-inflammato­ry to the phrenic, vagus and trigeminal nerves that can be inflamed from viral neurotoxin­s and cause migraines. These toxins are produced by viruses when they feed on their favorite food sources such as heavy metals, pesticides, eggs, dairy and others.

“The celery juice also provided Mariellen with critical electrolyt­es because celery juice possesses what I call sodium cluster salts. A lack of these, along with chronic dehydratio­n, can be a trigger for migraines. Celery juice also destroys the streptococ­cus bacteria that can cause sinus-related migraines.

“Celery juice is an incredible healing tool, which is why I have been recommendi­ng it for decades and have recently written Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide. I want everyone to know how to use this healing tool to their advantage!

“When Mariellen started drinking my Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie and the celery juice, she was also effectivel­y eliminatin­g toxic heavy metals from her brain and body that can also cause chronic migraines.

“Lastly, if someone experience­s a chronic illness or symptom, it means their liver is struggling, no matter what it is. Mariellen was able to understand this from the healing informatio­n I share, so the steps she took to support her liver’s health and eat more nutritious meals were instrument­al in her recovery.”

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