Woman's World

Circle of kindness

Readers share little reminders of how much goodness there is in the world



I had a 102°F fever from what later turned out to be a kidney infection. I decided to go outside to get some fresh air, but as I walked up and down the sidewalk, I turned and lost my balance. Down I went on my back in my yard. As hard as I tried, I could not pull myself up. What a blessing to see my postal carrier arrive. But for all her 100 pounds, she could not help me up. So she called 911, and in no time, the fire department arrived and helped me into the house. I will always be thankful for the kindness of the postal worker and the firemen. — Barbara Baylis, Dallas

“I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE THE SMILES ON THEIR FACES!” Early last year, after a short stay in a nursing home, my sister-in-law passed away.

She wanted to be cremated, so after her service, we still had the pall of flowers from her casket. Not wanting to just throw the flowers away, I tried to figure out what to do with them. I decided to separate them into small batches, and I took them to the nursing home where she had stayed. It felt great to surprise more than 20 people with a special bouquet. It also happened to be one lady’s 95th birthday. It made me feel so happy to see the smiles on their faces! — Kima Curtis, White Bluff, TN


As I walked toward my grocery store’s exit, I noticed an older gentleman sitting

on a bench near the door. He leaned forward, shaky hands on his cane and frowned. When two young men approached him, I heard one say, “Are you okay?” The man shook his head. “No. I can’t get up.” I watched as the young men stood on either side of him, grasped his elbows and helped him stand. Then they helped him cart his groceries to his car and stayed with him until the older man assured them he was okay to drive. Their willingnes­s to help a senior warmed my heart and restored my faith in the younger generation. — Sandra R. Nachlinger, Auburn, WA

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