Woman's World

Cure the sneaky problem making 95% of us gain weight and age prematurel­y


Fed up with age-related weight gain? Then you may want to consider a buzzed-about “spring cleaning” technique that promises to help you permanentl­y burn fat like a kid again. The secret: neutralizi­ng hidden acid. Turns out, all the junk food, stress and toxins in today’s world leave behind acidic waste in our systems, “and by age 45, 95% of us have a dangerous buildup,” insists bestsellin­g Alkaline Reset Cleanse author Ross Bridgeford, a health coach whose millions of devotees report losing up to 18 pounds a week. “Growing research suggests it’s often the main factor driving weight gain, fatigue, premature aging and countless health problems. Once the buildup is gone, you let go of fat easily and feel much better. Plus, you continue to transform for months, even if your diet isn’t perfect. The results are phenomenal!”

Having a little acid in the body is natural. Many protein-rich foods release acid as they nourish us, and certain crucial body functions produce acid too. “We can handle a normal amount of acid as long as we get enough mineral-rich plant foods like leafy greens and nuts,” says Bridgeford. The trouble starts when there’s too much acid, too few mineralric­h foods or both. “Since there are serious and even fatal side effects when blood becomes too acidic, your body takes crisis measures to keep levels safe,” he notes. “This process is stressful

and causes health to suffer overall.” That’s because every smidge of minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium you consume is used only to buffer acidity, with none allotted for things like metabolism and sleep regulation. On top of that, these minerals are actually leached from your bones, leaving you weak and osteoporos­isprone. Then there’s the matter of weight gain…

Why acid is so fattening

As acid-neutralizi­ng nutrients are rapidly depleted from your body, “research shows that you

no longer produce key weightcont­rol hormones properly,” says Bridgeford. That includes the flat-belly hormone adiponecti­n and the “fountain of youth” hormone HGH (which keeps energy and metabolism high). Acidity has also been shown to cause chronic inflammati­on in our cells—a condition linked to obesity, low energy, skin aging, fuzzy thinking, joint pain, heart disease and a laundry list of woes often blamed on getting older. Making it worse: “To get acid out of the blood and away from vital organs, the body creates new fat cells to store it in,” says Bridgeford. And those cells stay locked, the contents “unburnable” until the acid can be handled. “For most, the problem gets worse and worse over time.”

The quick solution

To lower acidity to optimal levels, Bridgeford says all we have to do is spend one week limiting new acid that gets into our systems (skipping coffee, sugar, processed food, wheat and meat) while loading up on alkalinizi­ng foods that neutralize acidity. That means getting lots of veggies, lemon, avocado, beans, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, herbs and spices. Bridgeford also recommends daily servings of juice, smoothies and purees, since studies show blending food makes nutrients easier to absorb so you get benefits faster. “As you reduce demand on your body’s acid-buffering system, it finally begins to tackle the backlog of acid waste building up for years. That’s the goal.”

Proof it works: University of Alberta scientists found reducing acidity significan­tly increases HGH in women over 50, which they say is key to boosting fat loss, increasing strength, sharpening memory, protecting the heart and improving overall quality of life. Meanwhile, a University of Texas study determined that folks with the least acid in their systems have BMIS 52% lower than those with the most. “If you want to lose weight for the long term, you have to get your acid load down,” says Bridgeford. Europe’s leading alkaline expert Stephan Domenig, M.D., agrees. He routinely prescribes alkaline regimens at his prestigiou­s Center for Detoxing in Austria and says: “You’ll look like you had liposuctio­n and a facelift!”

Real-world wow

Prescribed lupus medication with scary side effects, “I just started crying,” recalls Sherry “Gigi” Baker. “I was in so much pain, but I wanted a better solution.” She asked for two months to see if lifestyle changes would help. The Florida physical therapist, 57, did research and found a women’s alkaline group on the internet. Realizing she skimped on veggies in favor of acid-forming sugar and wheat, she focused on alkalinizi­ng plant foods, “and weight just fell off. In two weeks, I was down 15 pounds, and the pain reduction was amazing,” she recalls. In 16 months, she shrunk six sizes and saw her high blood pressure, brain fog, anxiety, heart palpitatio­ns, insomnia and fatigue all disappear. “Your skin starts glowing; the aging process slows down,” she adds. “Really everything gets better!”

To learn more, check out The Alkaline Reset Cleanse or Liveenergi­zed.com

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