Woman's World

“Animals are really angels in disguise!”

When Annabelle Camp rescued a puppy, her grandmothe­r wasn’t happy about it and insisted she find him another home. Until, one day, the pup won her over…by saving her life!

- — Diane Nichols

Annabelle Camp was driving along a wooded road near her Newman, Georgia, home in October 2018, when she spotted a puppy. Stopping, she coaxed the little guy to her. He was skin and bones. “You’re coming home with me,” the then-22-year-old whispered, cradling him.

By the time they got to the house, Annabelle’s heart was won. She’d even named him, Mason. But Annabelle, her father and brother lived with her 78-year-old grandmothe­r, and as sorry as Grandma felt for the puppy, she wasn’t convinced.

“You can’t keep him. He’ll destroy the house,” she told Annabelle. But she agreed to let Mason stay for one week while the Humane Society found him a foster family. Sadly, no foster could be found in that short time, and Mason was placed in a boarding facility. Annabelle checked on him daily and was devastated when he got sick due to stress.

“It’s okay,” her father soothed. “We’ll get him back.” He talked to his mother and somehow got her to let Mason come back— as long as he never went near her bedroom.

“I promise,” Annabelle said, and kept a close eye on him.

But then, one night last spring, Annabelle was jolted awake by Mason’s frantic barking. He clearly wanted out of her bedroom, and when she opened the door, he sprinted down the hallway—toward her grandmothe­r’s room. Reaching the closed door, he looked back at Annabelle with an urgency in his brown eyes.

Hurrying after him, Annabelle cracked open the door. Finding the bed empty, she checked the bathroom, where she found her grandmothe­r passed out on the floor!

Her grandmothe­r had a condition where her heart would sometimes slow and someone would have to pour ice-cold water on her to jolt it back into beating again. Annabelle quickly woke her father, who rushed in to pour cold water on his mother. Instantly, her eyes fluttered open. They urged her to go to the hospital, but she insisted she was all right.

“Thanks to Mason!” Annabelle exclaimed, explaining how he’d alerted her. “If he didn’t wake me… He saved your life.”

“Thank you, Mason!” her grandmothe­r cried, and patted her furry hero on the head.

Today, Mason is a permanent member of the family, and to Annabelle’s joy, her grandmothe­r has grown to love him.

“I’ve always thought animals are special,” Annabelle says. “But Mason just shows us that they are really angels in disguise!”

 ??  ?? Annabelle rescued Mason as a puppy… …and he went on to save her grandmothe­r’s life
Annabelle rescued Mason as a puppy… …and he went on to save her grandmothe­r’s life
 ??  ?? Annabelle (right) with her grandma and their heroic pup, Mason
Annabelle (right) with her grandma and their heroic pup, Mason

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