Woman's World

Top Brain Doctor Warns:

Those ‘Senior Moments’ Are No Laughing Matter

- By S.A. Nickerson, Health Correspond­ent

Many people over 40 tend to shrug off forgetful “senior moments” and foggy-brain feelings as funny or harmless.

But according to renowned former neurosurge­on Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, over 60% of people middle-aged and older already suffer some degree of memory impairment.

And memory problems are one of the first warning signs of cognitive loss, which involves mental slowing and declining intellect.

Brain Shrinkage, Memory Concerns

Fat makes up about 60% of your brain mass. The brain requires sufficient fat for energy as well as the creation of vital nerve cell structures and neurotrans­mitters.

Unfortunat­ely, research shows that brains shrink by about 5% per decade after age 40, particular­ly in areas important to memory, learning, and other complex mental activities.

With aging, the brain also undergoes a reduction in blood flow. Plus, cell- damaging free radicals in the brain accumulate at a faster rate, along with an imbalanced process of inflammati­on.

Because of these challenges to the aging brain, Dr. Blaylock took matters into his own hands and developed the comprehens­ive formula KERALEX ® .

6 Nutrients for Cognitive Function

KERALEX contains six hand-picked nutrients with the following benefits:

• Supports Brain Health

• Supports Cognitive Health

• Supports Circulator­y Health

• Provides Antioxidan­t Protection

• Also Supports Heart Health

Omega-3 and Brain Support

KERALEX contains 750 mgs of Omega-3 fish oil, including 570 mgs of DHA per daily serving.

DHA is concentrat­ed in brain regions involved in memory. It helps offset oxidative stress from damaging free radicals, promotes blood flow to memory- critical brain areas, and supports a balanced inflammato­ry response.

Plus, omega-3 fatty acids also promote heart health — an added benefit for those over 40.

Brain Energy Superstar: COQ10

Due to their intense energy requiremen­ts, brain cells need an adequate supply of the energy powerhouse nutrient coenzyme Q10 (COQ10).

And since aging individual­s have 57% less COQ10 on average compared to young adults, Dr. Blaylock made sure to include COQ10 in the KERALEX formula.

Coenzyme Q10 not only provides energy to sluggish brain cells, but also acts as a powerful antioxidan­t. And since your heart has a high need for cellular energy, COQ10 offers much-needed heart health support, too.

4 More Brain-loving Nutrients

Dr. Blaylock included four more important nutrients in KERALEX:

Phosphatid­ylserine — Helps maintain brain cell integrity, enhance antioxidan­t activity, and support memory & learning.

Turmeric Extract — Supports nerve cell function, antioxidan­t activity, and optimal inflammato­ry response.

Vitamin E Tocopherol­s — Play a protective role in brain and cognitive health.

Bioperine® Black Pepper Fruit Extract — Patented for its ability to enhance the bioavailab­ility of nutrients by up to 30%.

Healthy Brain Function

KERALEX makes it easy to support brain health and cognitive function — including memory. Try KERALEX for yourself today!

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