Woman's World

Stroke risk drops by 73%

- —Brenda Kearns

If you’ve known someone to suffer a stroke in winter, there’s a reason why it might have happened then: According to Yale University researcher­s, chilly temperatur­es can tighten arteries and thicken blood, upping the odds of a clot. Thankfully, experts say these comforting tricks offer protection all winter long!

Sip hot water

Wake up with a comforting mug of hot water mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and honey, and reach for a couple of tangerines throughout the day. Both provide extra fluids that gently thin blood to ward off clots, says cardiologi­st Stephen Sinatra, M.D. “Plus, the vitamin C and bioflavono­ids in citrus strengthen and heal your brain’s blood vessels.” No wonder Danish investigat­ors say citrus-lovers are 42% less likely to have a stroke!

Crack a ‘dad joke’

Sharing your grandpa’s punny jokes is good for you— even if they make you groan! University of Michigan scientists say grinning a few times daily curbs stroke risk by 27%. Smiles (even forced ones!) instantly rein in production of the troublesom­e stress hormone cortisol, warding off arterydama­ging inflammati­on.

Dip bread in this

Drizzling extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) over pasta or warm bread lowers stroke risk by 73%, a study in Neurology found. Study co-author Cathy Feart, PH.D., says an EVOO compound (oleuropein) stops blood cells from sticking together to form clots. The proven dose: 3 Tbs. daily.

Savor a soak

On a cold day, nothing beats a hot bath. And Swedish scientists say daily soaks prod the body to release compounds (heat shock proteins) that nix artery spasms, cutting stroke risk by 62%. Bonus: Evening tub time helps you drift off 55% faster. And Tulane University scientists found 8 hours of nightly sleep cuts stroke risk by 35%.

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