Woman's World

Circle of kindness

Readers share little reminders of how much goodness there is in the world


“WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER!” I wanted to write my life story for my grandchild­ren, so I began journaling during my lunch hour at work.

One day, a co-worker noticed me and asked what I was writing. After I had explained, she asked if she could join me, telling me that she found writing to be such a lonely activity, and that she would love to be part of my writing time. Since then, a third lady has joined us. As we put our thoughts on paper, we encourage and support one another. I am grateful for my co-workers’ company and treasure their companions­hip. Sharing my dream for my grandchild­ren has brought me two wonderful friends! — Nancy Lucas, Chicago

“WE TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER’S SPECIAL FRIENDS!” My best friend, Krizia, and I are both teachers who enjoy traveling on long weekends and school breaks.

However, we both have pets that need to be cared for during our vacations. Krizia has three rabbits, and I have six reptiles and a dog. It’s always so hard leaving them. About seven years ago, we started pet sitting for each other. We arrange our vacations so they don’t overlap to ensure our babies have the best pet sitter ever. We always return from our trips with souvenirs for each other as a thank-you gift. It gives us both peace of mind knowing that our special friends are being well cared for in our absence! — Angela Parlatore, Pembroke Pines, FL

“IT WAS JUST THE BIT OF HAPPINESS WE NEEDED!” My family loves to order pizza and wings for dinner.

After the heartbreak of losing our 29-year-old son on Thanksgivi­ng Day, we felt that we needed to have some normalcy and ordered pizza and wings. When I went to pick up our order and got out my wallet, the counter clerk told me, “You’re all set,” and explained that the last woman who picked up an order had paid for mine, after having had hers paid for by the customer before her! It was just the bit of happiness my family needed at such a sad time. We’re very thankful to that woman and will definitely pay her kindness forward! — Alyssa Evans, Watertown, NY

“SHE MADE MY DAY BRIGHTER!” I was at Walmart doing my grocery shopping.

Unfortunat­ely, I chose the wrong cart. As I went down the aisles, it was becoming harder and harder to turn. Finally, the cart refused to move, no matter how hard I pushed and pulled it. I was far away from the rows of carts and not looking forward to trekking across the store to get a new one. As I continued to battle with my cart, an employee saw me struggling and came over. Not only did she cheerfully get me another cart, she also quickly moved all my groceries into it. I thanked her for saving me so much work, and she said she was just doing her job. She made my day a whole lot brighter! — Anna Cleveland, Gastonia, NC

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