Woman's World

Your personal Rx for thinning hair

The grass, the flowers…everything is growing faster and thicker these days— and now your hair can too! While shedding increases as summer nears (because UV light slows the production of hair growth hormones), experts say these tricks keep locks lush


Fuzzy patches? Stop to stretch

An extra flurry of spring activity (no matter how fun!) raises levels of the hair-thinning stress hormone cortisol. Luckily, University of Utah scientists say stretching the large muscles of your body—by arching your back or reaching for your toes— for 2 minutes each hour quashes cortisol release, speeding hair growth by as much as 75%.

Flaky scalp? Sweeten shampoo

Washing your hair once daily with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil mixed into a dollop of Nizoral shampoo banishes dandruff and reduces

hair shedding, making strands look 35% thicker in three months. That’s the word from Belgian researcher­s, who say Nizoral’s ketoconazo­le destroys hair-sapping fungi, while rosemary oil soothes the scalp so hair can grow in fuller.

Thinning strands? Try a deep sea remedy

One secret to thick hair? Curbing a follicle-damaging form of testostero­ne called DHT, says dermatolog­ist Ralph Trueb, M.D. And astaxanthi­n can help! This reddish pigment is formed by certain algae, and research in the Journal of Herbal Pharmacoth­erapy suggests taking 10 to 12 mg. daily reduces DHT production.

This increases hair growth by up to 22%. One to try: Naomi Organic Astaxanthi­n (Naomiw.com). Note: Check with a doctor before supplement­ing.

Dull locks? Bite into tuna tacos

Eating three seafood meals weekly stops shedding plus adds shine, Australian scientists say. Dermatolog­ist Sam Kim, M.D., explains seafood is rich

in selenium, zinc and omega-3 fats—the building blocks follicles need to produce healthy, glossy strands.

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