Woman's World

Found! Mood boosters better than meds

Cooler fall days just got even more glorious— and you want to have the happy energy to enjoy every minute! Here, delightful ways to perk up


Greet the sun

Saying good morning to sunshine is twice as effective at lifting your spirits as Prozac, German scientists say. Basking in morning light acts as a natural SSRI, a commonly prescribed medication used to treat blue moods, by triggering the brain to release a flood of feel-good hormones like serotonin. Plus, setting your internal body clock helps hormones stay balanced the rest of the day. Tip: Step outside to enjoy the changing sky as the sun rises or to watch the clouds float by over the treetops. University of Alabama researcher­s found seeing both land and sky improved folks’ levels of happiness for hours.

Peel an orange

Ever notice that eating an orange brightens your mood? There’s good reason, according to a study in Biomedical Journal. Breathing in a compound called d-limonene, which is released when you peel back the skin of an orange, works as well as Valium at releasing calming brain waves, boosting your mood for up to 24 hours. Tip: Inhale the citrus scent through your nose for a count of 4, hold for 8, then exhale for 10. Repeat 5 times. Yale research shows deep breathing calms your autonomic nervous system to quash stress in 60 seconds.

Slice into a hummingbir­d cake

Research published in the journal Nature finds that the pineapple in the comfort-food classic contains sky-high levels of the happiness hormone serotonin and the amino acid tryptophan, which help your body ramp up mood-leveling hormones. The payoff: A slice lifts your spirits just like the popular antidepres­sant Prozac. Need a quick fix? Blend 1 cup of frozen pineapple into a smoothie, sip and go! — K.E. Kluznik

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