Woman's World

My guardian angel

When Woman’s World reader Anastasia Middleton got stranded in a foreign city while traveling alone, angel helpers guided her home! She writes:


After going on several group trips, I decided to take a solo vacation in the south of France so I could explore at my leisure. I rented a studio apartment in the medieval town of Montagnac.

I chose to take buses and trains for day trips. My longest day trip was a visit to the ancient walled city of Carcassonn­e. It involved two bus transfers and a short train ride. It was awesome, and I was enjoying my exploring so much that I stayed way too long.

I was able to get a train but missed my first bus connection. The sun had set by the time the next bus came along.

Being the only passenger, I was uneasy and, when we pulled into the bus parking area where I would make my final connection, I got more anxious. It was quiet, empty and dark, except for a street lamp. No buses were coming and going, and I got a sinking feeling that I might have missed the last one to Montagnac. I asked the bus driver, and he pointed to the schedule that was posted on a billboard. Checking the schedule, it looked like there were no more buses that night. I started to panic and asked God to help me. I had no money left for a cab, even if I could find one. So I decided I would have to

walk the 4 miles along a dark, winding country road. It was a scary thought!

Just then, I spotted three nuns making their way to a parked car on the far side of the bus area. I approached them and asked if they spoke English. One did, and when we looked at the schedule, she confirmed my fears. Then, she asked me where I was going. When I told her, she cheerfully replied, “We’re driving right through Montagnac. Come, I’ll give you a lift.”

When we got to Montagnac, my angel stopped a minute from my place, as if she knew where I was staying. Then we both got out of the car and shared a warm hug. I was filled with wonder and peace.

I knew then that I am never alone. I have angels with me.

“The lot was quiet, empty and dark!”


“Anastasia is absolutely right—we are never alone. Our angels are always with us, guiding us through our intuitive senses. The thing we must remember is to ask for help. We have free will as physical beings, so when we need help, we simply need to ask and be open for the signs that our angels send to us.

“Anastasia’s angels guided her and just when she followed her intuition, the three nuns appeared in perfect divine timing. I believe the nuns were also following their angels’ guidance so that their paths would cross, which kept Anastasia safe.”

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