Woman's World

Circle of kindness

Readers share little reminders of how much goodness there is in the world


“THEIR GENEROSITY DEEPLY TOUCHED MY HEART!” I do tours at a local historic spot, and after a busy Saturday with a very large group, I was invited to share a meal at a nearby restaurant with a couple from the tour.

Sitting right behind our table was another group from the same tour. We exchanged greetings. After our delicious meal, our waitress brought the bill, and imagine our shock when she told us that the group sitting behind us had paid for each of our meals! I was stunned and speechless. Their generosity and kindness deeply touched my heart. What an amazing gift of appreciati­on. —Toby Smith, N. Charleston, SC

“IT FEELS GREAT TO HELP!” Recently, a young single mom of three at church asked me if I had a good recipe for cutout cookies she could make for her kids to decorate as an activity.

As I got out the recipe, I thought of her working full-time as a nurse and making these, and a thought came: I am retired, why don’t I just make the cookies instead of just giving her the recipe? I made a batch of about 45, boxed them up, along with some sprinkles for the kids to use to decorate the cookies and sent her a text. I told her the cookies were all made and ready for her to pick up. It saved her precious time with her children, gave them a fun activity and made me feel like I had done something special for her. — Lorraine Ehlers, Gretna, NE

“SUCH THOUGHTFUL KIDS!” I am 85 and use a wheelchair when I’m out and about.

My daughter and I were shopping at a dollar store. We had just checked out and were preparing to wrestle our way out the door when three kids came running into the store: a girl about 7 and two older boys, maybe 9 and 11. The girl saw us and quickly commanded the boys, “Hey! Hold the door for these folks!” So, the two boys turned right around and held it open for us. What’s more, they seemed to have a great time doing it too. We thanked them over and over. Such thoughtful kids! — Polly Smith, Locke, NY

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