Woman's World

Essential oils got Sue off of her asthma medication­s

Four were prescripti­on costing Sue Nelson breathing more medication­s than $ 300 a month. But when she accidental­ly lost her rescue inhaler, she discovered an affordable, natural and effective asthma remedy that was like a breath of fresh air!

- — Gina Roberts-grey

Sue Nelson had just finished giving her house a deep cleaning when, Oh, no! Where’s my inhaler? she panicked. I must have accidental­ly thrown it out. What if I have an asthma attack?

For nearly 30 years, the Kansas City, Missouri, grandmothe­r had suffered with severe asthma. Everything from household cleaners, pollen, mold, scented candles, exercise and a host of other unknown triggers could leave her wheezing, coughing and struggling to breathe. Allergy season, which, in her area, lasted from early spring to late fall, was especially difficult.

Sue used two inhalers—a maintenanc­e and a rescue—to cope, and also took two oral medication­s to control her symptoms. But it was her rescue inhaler, the one she had lost while cleaning, that provided her with the most peace of mind. Now, she’d have to shell out more than $400 to replace it at full cost or wait three weeks until her next refill, when insurance would cover a portion. Already, her combined medication­s cost her more than $300 out of pocket each month.

If only there was something I could use in its place, she mused. Something natural.

Essential oils had worked for Sue in the past, like the peppermint essential oil she’d used to calm her stomach during chemothera­py. It had also helped her with arthritis pain and even with her dog’s anxiety. Could essential oils help my asthma symptoms?

Sue wondered.

A scent- sational fix

Sue did some research and was excited to find studies indicating many essential oils, like lavender, myrtle, eucalyptus and peppermint, had been linked to a reduction of inflammati­on in airways, as well as helping muscles in the windpipe relax, promoting normal breathing. After searching online, Sue found an essential oil combo of peppermint, myrtle and eucalyptus, called Young Living Breathe Again Roll-on ($35 for 10 ml., which lasts a couple of months depending on use) and had a bottle overnighte­d to her. The moment it arrived, she dabbed it on her wrists and took in a few deep breaths. Wow, she marveled, instantly feeling her airways open up. Sue began inhaling the fragrant

“Essential oils can be a really effective part of a natural treatment plan for asthma” — Dr. Josh Axe

aroma before any activity she knew could expose her to a potential trigger. She’d also rub a few drops on her chest at the first twinge of tightness or coughing. Within a week, Sue was astounded when she and her husband made their way up their steep driveway after a walk, and she didn’t feel any tightness in her chest like she always had in the past.

Impressed, Sue decided to experiment further and began using the oil for maintenanc­e too. And by the time her inhaler prescripti­on could be refilled, she didn’t need them. She hadn’t had a single asthma attack! But would it still work as the seasons change? Sue wondered.

Sue took her grandkids to the park, enjoyed long walks with her husband and didn’t experience any coughing or breathing problems.

After three months of using the essential oil, Sue was breathing so easily that she was able to stop taking her oral asthma medicines, assuring her doctor she’d go back on them if she experience­d any breathing issues.

Today, a year on, the 54-yearold remains prescripti­on-free and continues to use essential oils to manage her asthma. “I’m feeling so great and confident!” Sue cheers. “I’m saving over $300 per month using an all-natural remedy and feel better than I have in years— mentally and physically!”

Note: Always check with your doctor before stopping any prescripti­on medication or discontinu­ing asthma inhalers.

 ??  ?? “I feel better than I have in years— physically and mentally!” Sue Nelson says
“I feel better than I have in years— physically and mentally!” Sue Nelson says

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