Woman's World

Circle of kindness

Readers share little reminders of how much goodness there is in the world



On my way home from a half- day at work, I stopped at a Whataburge­r. After paying for my order, I somehow left my wallet on

the counter. Cash, credit cards, personal informatio­n: It was all in there. I didn’t realize I was missing it until later in the day when I received an email from the restaurant manager. One of his employees had found it, discovered my business card inside, and they contacted me. The manager put the wallet in the store safe until I could retrieve it. Their honesty and selfless outreach really touched me and was a reminder that there are plenty of kind, selfless people in the world.

— Audrey Wick, La Grange, TX


I love to crochet. On Youtube, I came across this Worry Worm pattern as part of a “Random Acts of Crochet Kindness”

movement. I have made dozens of these little worms that I put in different places around town and hand out to strangers with the note: I am your little Worry Worm. If you should have a fear, just give me a little squeeze and it will disappear! It warms my heart to know that I can make people smile with something so simple!

— Barb Flanagan, Pittsburgh


When I was a struggling waitress and college student, I passed a homeless man each night on my way home.

Though I didn’t have much, I’d always give him something — a dollar, a granola bar, a leftover meal. One night, I had absolutely nothing to give. “I’m sorry. Things are rough for me right now,” I told him. He reached in his pocket then said, “I made $18 today. I want you to have it.” I told him I couldn’t take his money, but he insisted. “You always help me. Please, let me help you.” It was then that I realized taking his help would be as much a gift to him as it would be to me. I knew how happy it always made me to help him. I accepted $5, which put gas in my tank. I’ll never forget his beautiful act of kindness.

— Melody June, Post Falls, ID

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