Woman's World

Fall-friendly ways to prevent diabetes

- — Melissa Gotthardt

Dodging diabetes has always been a smart move since doing so also protects against heart problems, vision loss and even hearing impairment. Why it’s now more important than ever: New research in JAMA reveals sidesteppi­ng diabetes also cuts the risk of dementia in half. Thankfully, glorious fall months make it easy!

Spoon up apple crisp

Or bite into a juicy pear. A new Australian study found that enjoying two daily servings of fruit lowers diabetes risk by 36%. Researcher­s say that’s because the fiber in fruit keeps blood sugar from climbing, while its flavonoids fight inflammati­on that can set diabetes in motion. Bonus: Topping fruity treats with cinnamon helps too. Per research in Diabetes Care, the spice allows glucose to enter cells rather than build up in the blood.

Sip golden milk

The curcumin that gives turmeric its yellow hue brims with compounds that prevent diabetes by enhancing the function of cells in the pancreas. In fact, research in Diabetes Care found that curcumin’s curcumoino­ids prevented prediabete­s from progressin­g to full-blown disease in 100% of participan­ts. Simply stir 1 tsp. of turmeric into 1 cup of warm milk or almond milk, then mix in honey, ginger and cinnamon to taste.

Spy butterflie­s

Watching migrating monarchs flit by, listening to sparrows chirping, gazing at mums in bloom… the sights and sounds of nature slash stress in as little as 10 minutes. And that’s a benefit that can reduce diabetes risk by 56%, research in PLOS ONE found. Combatting spikes in the stress hormone

cortisol improves cells’ sensitivit­y to the blood sugar–regulating hormone insulin.

Enjoy leaf-peeping

Take a 15-minute midday break to admire the changing colors outside. A study in PLOS ONE found that folks with healthy blood levels of vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” were three times less likely to develop diabetes than those deficient in D. Scientists suspect it enhances the body’s sensitivit­y to insulin. And since sun is the best way to boost D levels, a lunchtime jaunt outdoors is ideal as rays are highest between 10 am and 3 pm.

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