Woman's World

Relief from ringing ears

Hear an ongoing ringing in your ears? A British study found tinnitus complaints are up 40% over the past stressful year. Luckily, these tips calm the buzzing

- —K.E. Kluznik

Instant relief

Next time the bothersome ringing sound ramps up, switch on a fan, and you’ll notice that your tinnitus disappears instantly. New Zealand scientists say the gentle whirring of the fan offsets the “phantom” sounds, signaling to your brain that neither is something to focus on. No fan nearby? Tune into a free pink- or white-noise channel on Youtube (Try: Organic Pink at the Mynoise channel). Research in

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscien­ce found that this type of “broadband” sound is significan­tly more effective than other “masking” sounds at tamping down ringing in the ears.

Nighttime relief

Tired of being among the 54% of folks whose tinnitus leaves them tossing and turning at night? Try melatonin. Ohio State University scientists say “nature’s sleeping pill” has a hidden talent for quashing nighttime ringing. Indeed, their research found that folks with chronic tinnitus who did nothing other than take 3 mg. of melatonin at bedtime reduced ringing by 40%. Also smart: Dim the lights 2 hours before bed. Johns Hopkins University research suggests that going about ordinary tasks in lower light forces the brain to strengthen and fine-tune connection­s in the part of the brain that processes sound, reducing tinnitus at the same time.

Forever relief

Cheeseburg­er lovers, rejoice! The taurine in beef and cheese feeds nerve cells. This helps your brain convert sound waves properly instead of the jangled signaling that tinnitus triggers. Proof: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine research suggests boosting taurine levels eliminates ringing entirely in three weeks. Or take 1,000 mg. of taurine daily. Try: Life Extension Taurine (Lifeextens­ion.com/ww)

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